Does Celexa cause tics? (3+ Factors)

In this article, we will answer the question, “Does Celexa cause tics?” and other related queries, such as; is there any relation between tics and Celexa, what factors contribute to tics while on Celexa, and how can one manage tics while taking Celexa.

Does Celexa cause tics?

Yes, Celexa may cause tics in some individuals. The drug, being a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI), affects the serotonin levels in the brain, which might inadvertently impact the neural pathways leading to tics.

Celexa, scientifically known as citalopram, is primarily prescribed for depression and anxiety disorders. Tics, on the other hand, are repetitive, involuntary movements or sounds. For patients experiencing tics while on Celexa, it’s crucial to consult with a healthcare provider to determine the best course of action(1).

What does research suggest?

Multiple research studies have observed a correlation between Celexa usage and the onset of tics. Clinical trials have similarly reported instances where tics emerged as a potential side effect of SSRIs like Celexa.

Delving deeper, these studies often highlight the role of the serotonergic system, which influences both the therapeutic effects of Celexa and the emergence of tics(2).

What factors influence the occurrence of tics while on Celexa?

The occurrence of tics while taking Celexa can be influenced by a variety of patient-related factors. A comprehensive understanding of these can aid both patients and healthcare providers in anticipating and managing potential side effects:

  • Genetics – Genetic predisposition plays a significant role in many health conditions, and tics are no exception. Individuals who have a family history of tics or related conditions might be more susceptible when introduced to medications that influence neural pathways, like Celexa.
  • Underlying Conditions – Patients with conditions such as Tourette’s Syndrome or other tic disorders may already have a baseline level of tics. Introducing Celexa might lead to exacerbated tic symptoms, either in frequency or severity.
  • Concurrent Medications – Combining Celexa with certain other medications can result in drug interactions that can amplify the occurrence of tics. It’s always vital for patients to inform their doctors of all medications they are taking.
  • Dosage – The amount of Celexa consumed can play a role. Higher doses might correlate with an increased risk of tics or other side effects. Periodic review and adjustment of dosage by a healthcare provider can help manage this risk.
  • Duration of Treatment – How long a patient has been on Celexa can also influence the emergence of tics. Extended use might lead to a gradual development or worsening of tic symptoms over time.

Are there specific groups more prone to experiencing tics?

Children and adolescents, given their still-developing nervous systems, might be more susceptible to certain side effects, including tics.

Furthermore, individuals with a personal or family history of tic disorders or Tourette’s Syndrome may have a predisposition and, hence, increased susceptibility when exposed to SSRIs like Celexa.

Comorbid conditions also affect the likelihood of experiencing tics on Celexa, conditions like ADHD, OCD, or a pre-existing tic disorder may heighten the risk, given their inherent neurotransmitter dysregulations.

The combination of these conditions and the serotonergic action of Celexa might intensify the chances of tic emergence or exacerbation.

How to manage tics while taking Celexa

Managing tics effectively requires a multi-faceted approach tailored to the individual’s unique situation and needs, these include:

  • Medication Adjustment – One of the first steps, if tics emerge or worsen, is to consult your healthcare provider about the possibility of adjusting the dosage or even switching to an alternative medication.
  • Behavioral Therapy – Behavioral interventions, such as Habit Reversal Training (HRT), can offer tools and techniques to manage and reduce tics. HRT involves awareness training, competing response training, and social support, aiding patients in recognizing and controlling their tic symptoms.
  • Avoidance of Triggers – Some patients may find that specific stimuli, like stress or certain activities, exacerbate their tics. Identifying and then avoiding or managing these triggers can significantly help in tic control.
  • Stay Informed – Knowledge is power. Being aware of the potential side effects and their manifestations can help in early detection, which in turn can facilitate more timely and effective management.
  • Regular Monitoring – Scheduled check-ins with healthcare providers ensure that any side effects, including tics, are tracked, managed, and, if possible, alleviated(3).

What to do if tics occur while taking Celexa

Realizing that one might be experiencing tics can be concerning, but taking the following proactive steps can help manage the situation.

  • Consult a Doctor – Patients should share any personal or family history of tic disorders or related conditions and discuss potential risks and benefits of Celexa. It’s essential not to make any hasty decisions or medication changes without first discussing symptoms with a healthcare provider. They can offer guidance on the next steps, whether it’s a medication change, dosage adjustment, or additional testing.
  • Document the Symptoms – Keeping a detailed record of the tics, their frequency, severity, and possible triggers can be invaluable when discussing the situation with your healthcare provider. This diary can help in pinpointing specific patterns or triggers.
  • Stay Calm – Tics, especially if they are new or have increased in severity, can be distressing. However, it’s crucial to remember that tics are involuntary and might be a temporary side effect. Panicking can exacerbate the situation, so seeking relaxation techniques might be beneficial
  • Seek Support – Engaging with support groups, whether in person or online, can offer camaraderie, understanding, and coping strategies. Hearing from others who’ve had similar experiences can provide comfort and practical advice.

Are there any alternative medications less likely to cause tics?

Other SSRIs and SNRIs (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors) each come with their unique side effect profiles. Some might have a lower reported incidence of tics or movement disorders.

For instance, Sertraline (Zoloft) or Fluoxetine (Prozac) might be considered as alternatives. However, individual reactions can vary, emphasizing the importance of patient-tailored treatment approaches.


In conclusion, while there is a potential association between Celexa and tics, it’s essential to understand that individual experiences may vary. If you or someone you know experiences tics while on Celexa, always consult with a healthcare provider to ensure the best possible care.

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Pollock BG. Citalopram: a comprehensive review. Expert Opin Pharmacother. 2001 Apr;2(4):681-98. doi: 10.1517/14656566.2.4.681. PMID: 11336616.


Revet A, Montastruc F, Roussin A, Raynaud JP, Lapeyre-Mestre M, Nguyen TTH. Antidepressants and movement disorders: a postmarketing study in the world pharmacovigilance database. BMC Psychiatry. 2020 Jun 16;20(1):308. doi: 10.1186/s12888-020-02711-z. PMID: 32546134; PMCID: PMC7298955.


Rajapakse T, Pringsheim T. Pharmacotherapeutics of Tourette syndrome and stereotypies in autism. Semin Pediatr Neurol. 2010 Dec;17(4):254-60. doi: 10.1016/j.spen.2010.10.008. PMID: 21183132.

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