Does Celexa cause dry skin? (5 helpful tips)

This article answers, “Does Celexa cause dry skin?” We will also discuss the scientific evidence and tips to help with dry skin issues with Celexa.

Does Celexa cause dry skin?

Yes, Celexa can cause dry skin, though the incidence of this side effect is relatively low.

Celexa (Citalopram) is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor, primarily prescribed for managing depression, panic disorder, anxiety, and obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Celexa may occasionally result in skin-related side effects, such as dry skin, eczema, or rashes. (1)

Acknowledging that individual responses to these medications may exhibit variability is essential. What causes dry skin in one person may not have the same effect on another.

What does research suggest?

Research has provided valuable insights into the dermatological effects of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs), including Celexa (Citalopram).

A comprehensive study has shown that SSRIs have the potential to induce skin dryness, irritation, and skin rash. It can even trigger allergic contact dermatitis in some individuals. This observation underscores the capability of SSRIs, such as Citalopram, to permeate the skin and cause skin inflammation and rash. (3)

Moreover, an in-depth literature review underscores that SSRIs, including Citalopram, can contribute to cutaneous adverse drug reactions. These reactions encompass manifestations like eczema, dry skin, skin rash, and hyperpigmentation. (4)

Another study highlights the role of recurrent exposure to SSRI, in causing skin sensitisation and allergic reactions, particularly skin rash, in specific individuals. (5)

This research emphasises the cumulative nature of this effect, indicating that prolonged exposure to Citalopram may heighten the risk of developing skin allergies and other dermatological health concerns.

These research findings collectively shed light on the potential impact of SSRIs, focusing on Citalopram (Celexa), on skin health, suggesting a spectrum of conceivable skin-related side effects.

Consulting with a healthcare professional is paramount when addressing concerns regarding these potential dermatological side effects associated with SSRIs, especially those about dry skin, skin rash, and Citalopram.

What to do if Celexa causes dry skin?

If you’re experiencing dry skin as a result of using Celexa, here are five practical steps to consider:

Consult your doctor: The first and foremost step is to reach out to your doctor. They can assess your situation and determine if adjustments to your dosage are necessary. Your doctor is your best guide in managing any medication-related side effects.

Stay hydrated: Keeping your body well-hydrated is crucial. Drink an ample amount of water daily to maintain skin moisture from within. Hydration plays a significant role in combating the effects of dry skin.

Avoid hot showers: When showering or bathing, steer clear of hot water, as it can deprive your skin of natural oils and aggravate dryness. Instead, use lukewarm water for a gentler approach.

Use a humidifier: Introducing a humidifier to your living space can help maintain the right moisture levels in the air. This, in turn, can contribute to healthier, more hydrated skin.

Choose a quality moisturiser: Invest in a good moisturiser designed for sensitive or dry skin. Apply it regularly to keep your skin well-nourished and protected.

You can manage and alleviate dry skin by following these steps while taking Celexa. However, it’s essential to coordinate your approach with your healthcare provider to ensure your overall well-being is maintained.

Other skin-related side effects of Celexa

Other than dry skin, Celexa can cause these skin issues: (1,2)

  • Rash
  • Itching (Pruritus)
  • Hives (Urticaria)
  • Acne
  • Skin Discoloration
  • Eczema
  • Hair Loss (Alopecia)
  • Dermatitis
  • Psoriasis

Certain side effects, such as rash and pruritus, are more frequently observed in individuals taking Celexa, while the remaining adverse effects are less prevalent.


In conclusion, the potential for Celexa to cause dry skin is a valid concern, although its occurrence is relatively low. While some individuals may experience this side effect, it’s important to remember that the impact of medication can vary from person to person.

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