Does Celebrex cause weight gain? (1+ potential causes)

Does Celebrex cause weight gain? 

Celebrex may or may not cause weight gain as a side effect. It is not considered a common side effect associated with this Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, but it can happen to some people. Around 2-3% of the people taking Celebrex have reported this side effect. 

If you’re one of the unfortunate ones who’s gaining weight on Celebrex, immediately talk to your healthcare provider about this and the future safety and efficacy of Celebrex if you’re going to use it for a long period of time. 

How does Celebrex cause weight gain? 

Celebrex can cause weight gain in the following ways:

  • Water retention 
  • Increased appetite 

Water retention 

Celebrex can cause water retention as a side effect in some people. There is no way to be certain who will suffer from this side effect, but some people eventually begin to retain more water in their bodies(1). This makes them heavier on the scale. 

Some experts believe that people who are long-term users of Celebrex are more susceptible to this side effect. This is because Celebrex, being an NSAID, is associated with a number of side effects. It may or may not damage your kidney over time. This can also make you more sensitive to Celebrex-induced water retention. 

Increased appetite 

Celebrex may affect your appetite, especially if you’re a long-term user of this medication. Studies suggest that appetite changes are not common in short-term users or people who only use this medication when needed. 

This indicates that the continuous use of Celebrex produces this effect as the drug slowly begins to affect your metabolism. These two possible reasons associated with weight gain may not be accurate in all cases. 

There are still a lot of misconceptions and a lot of other theories that try to explain why Celebrex causes weight gain in some cases. 

What to do if Celebrex makes you gain weight? 

There are a few things that you should do if you suffer from Celebrex-induced weight gain. These include:

Talk to your healthcare provider 

Although Celebrex is not commonly associated with weight gain, it may still make you gain some. If your weight gain is significant, only your healthcare provider can help you to prevent that – as your doctor knows about your medical history, your age, and your symptoms. 

Other factors may also be present which could contribute to your weight gain. Your doctor will evaluate these factors and will rule out any other possible cause of weight gain to be certain whether the drug is responsible or not. If it is responsible, your doctor may switch you to another medication. 

Cut back on table salt

It is best to consume less amount of salt while you’re being treated with Celebrex. This is because Celebrex is associated with water retention and it could contribute to weight gain by this medication. 

If you continue to use higher amounts of salt, your body will increase the rate of reabsorption of water from your kidneys and this can make your body retain more water. This is why it is recommended to limit your salt intake, just in case. 

Watch what you’re eating 

Eating good things is the key to your weight management and overall weight. Celebrex is also associated with many gastrointestinal side effects, which may cause bloating and make you heavier on the scale. However, eating good food can help you big time. 

Make sure you have all the protein and good fats in your daily diet. It is also essential to take probiotics daily to protect your stomach from Celebrex-induced gastrointestinal side effects. 

Final words

To sum up, Celebrex may cause weight gain in some people. However, this side effect is not frequently reported. If you are experiencing any side effects while taking this NSAID, please talk to your doctor.

Remember, the safe and effective use of medications is the key to achieving your desired therapeutic outcome. So, make sure you stick to the recommended dose and do not take Celebrex more often.

It is also important to check for the expiry date before you take this medication, as expired meds may not be potent enough to help you with your symptoms and can lead to therapeutic failure.

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Cohen B, Preuss CV. Celecoxib. 2022 Oct 10. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 30570980. [Cited 2022 Oct. 01]. Available from: