Does Ativan make you gain weight?

Does Ativan make you gain weight?

Ativan may or may not cause weight gain. However, weight gain associated with Ativan is not that commonly reported. Some people did not gain any weight. Some gained a few negligible pounds that went away soon after their treatment was stopped. 

However, some unfortunate ones gained a significant amount of weight on this anti-anxiety medication. Make sure you monitor your side effects carefully. People may misuse Ativan because of the way it can make them feel. 

Higher doses lead to more pronounced weight gain and several other intolerable side effects. The most important concern with Ativan overuse is the risk of nerve-racking addiction. 

What does research suggest?

Research suggests that Ativan may slow down your metabolism which could lead to weight gain. When your metabolism is fast, it takes up more stored calories in your body and converts them into energy molecules (1). This is how the stored calories in your body are utilized, and hence eliminated. 

When the metabolic functions are compromised, you don’t burn as many calories as you should. These calories get stored in your body in the form of fat and eventually make you gain weight. This is not commonly observed but the drug is capable of doing that. 

Another possible explanation for Ativan-induced weight gain is the ability of this drug to boost your appetite. If you suffer from this side effect, you will gain weight over time, especially if you’re unable to control this excessive hunger. 

What to do if Ativan makes you gain weight? 

There are a few things you can try to help boost your metabolism and decrease your hunger cravings if Ativan makes you gain weight. These include:

Stay active 

Exercise is the best way to boost your metabolism. When you move your body, your muscles derive energy from the stored fat cells and convert these stored calories into energy. 

When you continue to exercise and eat good food, you can easily lose the weight that Ativan makes you gain. You don’t have to work out for hours. You can simply engage in a small high-intensity interval training (HIIT) session that would be enough for one day. 

Choose healthy foods to satisfy your hunger

If Ativan is boosting your appetite, you don’t have to choose unhealthy or extremely fatty foods to satisfy your hunger. You can opt for healthier options like protein which can not only help boost your metabolism but also helps you to feel full. 

You can also divide your meals and eat a small portion after every 3 to 4 hours. This way you can literally eat the entire day to help satiate this hunger, and the healthier food choices will not make you gain weight. 

Stay hydrated 

Don’t forget to drink plenty of water. Water helps increase your energy levels and makes your muscles and cells healthy. When you’re dehydrated, your muscles may not be able to perform as well as they should and this can make exercise a little too painful for you. This is why you should always remember to stay hydrated. 

Final words

To sum up, Ativan is not commonly associated with weight gain and such cases are not frequently reported. However, you need to ensure the safe and effective use of Ativan to make the most out of it.

Always stick to your doctor’s prescribed dose and frequency. It is also important to check for drug expiry before you take any medication, including Ativan.

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PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 3958, Lorazepam; [cited 2022 Oct 3]. Available from: