Does Lorazepam expire? 

Does Lorazepam expire? 

Yes, Lorazepam does expire. However, it can remain effective for much longer than the printed expiry date. You can use it if it has just been a month or two since your Lorazepam expired. 

However, it’s best to avoid it as there’s a guarantee when it comes to the safety and efficacy of the expired medication. This is the entire point of printing the expiry date that the manufacturers are not sure about the effects of this medication after a certain period of time. 

This is why it’s best to use only those meds which are still in effect and ignore the ones that are expired. 

What are the dangers associated with expired Lorazepam? 

Lorazepam may not affect your health dangerously once it expires. Studies suggest that the drug may lose its chemical efficacy and may not work. However, there is not much to say for sure as these things are not tested. This is why it’s best to avoid using expired medications. 

One of the concerns with less potent Lorazepam is drug overuse. As the med does not provide adequate sedation and anti-anxiety effect, people tend to take it more. 

This can trigger benzodiazepine addiction and with time, your body starts building tolerance against the effects of Lorazepam and people start taking more and more of it. This is an alarming situation, as Benzodiazepine addiction doesn’t go away that easily.

What to do if you have accidentally taken expired Lorazepam?

Taking expired Lorazepam once or twice will not affect your health or cause any adverse reactions. If the drug has lost its potency, it will not provide any therapeutic effect. 

However, some people are more sensitive to meds and may respond differently to expired Lorazepam. If you have accidentally taken an expired Lorazepam tablet and you feel unwell, immediately seek medical attention. 

Expired meds have no guarantee regarding their safety and efficacy and this is exactly why FDA has recommended against the use of expired medications (1). You never know how they may end up harming your body. 

Many people may not feel a thing, but some can suffer from dangerous consequences. This is why it’s best to steer clear of expired meds. If you are struggling with anxiety or insomnia, please consult your healthcare provider. 

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U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Don’t Be Tempted to Use Expired Medicines [Internet]. Silver Spring (MD): U.S. Food and Drug Administration; 2021 [cited 2022 Oct 14]. Available from: