Does Ativan thin your blood? (+3 factors)

 In this article, we will discuss whether Ativan has any effect on blood thinning. We will also explore the common side effects associated with the use of Ativan, as well as the drugs that are commonly associated with causing blood thinning.

Does Ativan thin your blood?

No, Gabapentin does not cause blood thinning. There is no research study reporting the effects of Ativan on blood thinning, and, from a clinical perspective, no blood-related side effects have been reported. Ativan is classified as a benzodiazepine and is primarily prescribed for anxiety disorders and certain other conditions. It is not known for inducing blood-thinning effects.

The phenomenon of blood thinning is typically associated with medications that act on coagulation pathways, and Ativan does not influence these pathways. Its primary mechanism of action lies in acting as a central nervous system depressant, influencing neurotransmitter activity in the brain to produce a calming effect (1).

However, it’s crucial to recognize that medications can exert varying effects on individuals, and there may be specific cases or interactions with other drugs where effects on blood clotting could potentially occur. 

What factors may influence blood thinning while taking Ativan? 

In the presence of certain risk factors, such as individual factors, genetic susceptibility, concurrent medications, and underlying medical conditions, there may be an increased risk of blood thinning when taking Ativan, even though this effect is not commonly reported with this medication.

Individual factors Individual factors, including variations in metabolism and overall health, can contribute to differing responses to medications. Genetic susceptibility may play a role, as genetic variations can influence how the body processes drugs.
Concurrent medications The use of concurrent medications, especially those with anticoagulant properties or interactions with coagulation pathways, could potentially elevate the risk of blood thinning when combined with Ativan. 
Underlying medical conditions Underlying medical conditions, particularly those affecting coagulation or cardiovascular health, might contribute to an increased susceptibility to blood-thinning effects while using Ativan. 

Which medications are known to cause blood thinning?

Several medications are known to have anticoagulant effects, leading to a thinning of the blood. Here is a list of some common medications that are known to cause blood thinning (3):           

Oral anticoagulants Warfarin
Parenteral anticoagulants



Antiplatelet agents



Direct oral anticoagulants








What are the common side effects of Ativan?

While Ativan does not cause blood thinning, it is associated with a number of side effects. Some of the common and rare side effects of Ativan include (1,2):

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Headache
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Changes in appetite
  • Dry mouth
  • Allergic reactions
  • Mood changes

 It’s important to note that not everyone will encounter these side effects, and the severity of some side effects may vary. If you have any concerns regarding the side effects of Ativan, it is advisable to talk to your healthcare professional for guidance and discussion.

What precautions you should take while using Ativan?

While using Ativan, it’s important to take certain precautions to ensure safe and effective use of the medication. Here are some key precautions:

  • Avoid alcohol consumption.
  • Refrain from driving or operating machinery.
  • No abrupt cessation; consult with your doctor.
  • Be cautious in the elderly due to increased sensitivity.
  • Monitor liver function if impaired.
  • Report allergies promptly.
  • Monitor for changes in appetite. 
  • Report persistent nausea or vomiting.
  • Avoid sudden position changes.

In my experience

In my experience, I have never encountered any patients in a clinical setting experiencing blood thinning after using Ativan. If you are facing such a side effect, there could be other factors contributing to it, or there might be an underlying cause unrelated to the medication or your mental health condition. It is crucial to seek medical advice based on your individual condition before making any changes to your treatment plan. 

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