Does Ambien cause weight gain? 

Does Ambien cause weight gain? 

Ambien may or may not cause any weight gain. It is not considered one of the common side effects, but some people still may gain some weight. The approximate weight gain on Ambien is around 5 to 10 lbs. 

However, some people may end up gaining more than that. Make sure you monitor your side effects and report them to your healthcare provider for proper management. 

Ambien is a sleeping pill and should be cautiously used. Taking more than your doctor has advised will have many consequences. However, taking sleeping pills in general does not make you gain weight and a lot of other factors could be at play.

What does research suggest? 

There are a number of research studies on the effects of Ambien on the brain, which could trigger weight gain in people taking this medication. 

Weight gain associated with Ambien is quite unusual as the drug affects people in a mysterious way. Ambien can induce abnormal sleep behaviour that makes you do things in your sleep you won’t even remember the next day (1). 

Studies suggest that you can not only start sleepwalking, but you can start performing your daily life activities without having any recollection of what you did in the morning. That’s what experts have stressed. 

Ambien can make you eat recklessly in your sleep and you won’t even know about that in the morning. This can make people gain a lot of weight without even having a logical explanation for this. 

This type of weight gain is based on dietary changes so it takes much longer for a normal person to lose this type of weight. Other hypnotics, like Lunesta, are also associated with this side effect. 

What to do if Ambien makes you gain weight? 

If Ambien makes you gain weight or eat more in your sleep, there are a few things you can do to prevent it. Talking to your doctor should be the first thing you do if you keep finding food wrappers on your nightstand or any sign of nighttime snacking. 

This can go beyond weight gain if not controlled on time. You can even go out of your house, drive your car, meet new people, and have sex, and still, you would not remember it in the morning. 

This is quite upsetting to even think that medicine has this much control over your mind. This is why talking to your doctor is crucial. If your unusual eating episodes are getting out of hand, your doctor will taper off Ambien and will switch to another medication if needed. 

If you want to lose the weight you have already gained, you can try the old conventional weight loss methods, like a good diet and exercise. They can not only help you lose weight but will also make your physiological systems stronger and healthier. 

Furthermore, Ambien may continue to cause side effects in some people. In such cases, most doctors advise switching to another medication. If insomnia is comorbid with depression, one can switch from Ambien to a sedative antidepressant, such as Trazodone or Mirtazapine.

However, switching medications should only be done under the guidance of your provider.

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Pérez-Díaz H, Iranzo A, Santamaría J. Conductas complejas durante el sueño inducidas por zolpidem [Zolpidem-induced sleep-related behavioural disorders]. Neurologia. 2010 Oct;25(8):491-7. Spanish. PMID: 20965000. Available from:


Murphy HM, Ihekoronze C, Wideman CH. Zolpidem-induced changes in activity, metabolism, and anxiety in rats. Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2011 Mar;98(1):81-6. doi: 10.1016/j.pbb.2010.12.012. Epub 2010 Dec 20. PMID: 21182854. Available from: