Does Ambien cause night sweats? (+3 factors)

In this article, we will explore whether Ambien can cause night sweats or not, how Ambien causes night sweats, what factors contribute to Ambien-induced night sweats and what to do if Ambien causes night sweats.

Does Ambien cause night sweats?

Yes, Ambien (zolpidem) can cause night sweats in some individuals as a side effect. It is not a commonly reported side effect of Ambien. However, some individuals might experience night sweats after a high dose or a sudden discontinuation of medication. 

Ambien is the brand name of the medication called zolpidem which belongs to a class of sedative-hypnotic. Ambien is commonly prescribed to individuals suffering from insomnia as it specifically targets the brain to induce sleep (1). 

If you are taking Ambien and experience night sweats then you need to consult your healthcare provider to get proper medical advice to manage your symptoms. They can tailor your treatment plan according to your requirements.

What is the potential link between Ambien and night sweats?

Ambien may cause night sweats through different mechanisms. Ambien acts on the gamma-aminobutyric acid receptors (GABA) in the brain to induce sleep (2). These receptors are also responsible for the regulation of temperature in the body (3). In some individuals, Ambien may affect temperature regulation and cause excessive sweating at night.

Sudden withdrawal of Ambien can also cause withdrawal effects to appear which may include night sweats. Ambien is also known to cause hot flashes and dizziness. These might be mistaken for night sweats in some cases. 

What factors may contribute to Ambien-induced night sweats?

Several factors can contribute to Ambien-induced night sweats. 

  • Higher doses are associated with an increased risk of side effects. Night sweats induced by Ambien may be due to an increased dose of Ambien.


  • Prolonged use of a drug can also be a factor for increased side effects such as night sweats.


  • Some individuals are more susceptible to certain side effects of Ambien such as night sweats. The variations in the effects of night sweats in different individuals may be due to several physiological factors. 


  • Some underlying health conditions such as hormonal imbalance or fever due to infections etc can also contribute to night sweats after taking Ambien. 


  • Certain medications, when taken together with Ambien may cause a drug-drug interaction to occur and cause night sweats. 


  • Some external factors such as environmental factors can also influence the night sweats induced by Ambien. 


What to do if Ambien causes night sweats?

If you are prescribed Ambien and after taking your medication, you experience night sweats then the first and foremost step is to consult your healthcare provider. 

Night sweats are not fatal to life and there is a high chance of these effects to subside if managed well. Sometimes, you might be experiencing night sweats at the start of your treatment with Ambien and the effects may subside once your body gets used to the effects of Ambien.

You need to constantly monitor your condition and symptoms. If night sweats persist or become severe and do not subside after a week or two then you need to contact your healthcare provider. Your doctor may have to adjust your dose and duration of treatment.

Lowering the dose might be suggested as higher doses of Ambien are more commonly linked to side effects as compared to low doses. However, if the condition does not subside, your doctor may have to suggest an alternative medication for insomnia (4). 

Alternatives to Ambien Examples
Prescription sleep aids
  • Eszopiclone
  • Ramelteon
  • Zaleplon
Over-the-counter supplements
  • Melatonin supplements
  • Chamomile
  • Valerian root


Non-medication approach
  • Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT)
  • Lifestyle changes

In my opinion, Ambien (zolpidem) is a sedative hypnotic medication. It may have certain side effects such as nightmares and night sweats may be one of them. Night sweats are not a life-threatening condition but if it interferes with your daily activities or your routine then it is better to get an examination. 

Your doctor can help you determine the exact cause and help you to manage or treat your condition to ensure a safe and effective treatment plan with minimal side effects.  

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