Can you take Mirtazapine and Clonazepam together?

In this article, we will discuss the concomitant use of Mirtazapine and Clonazepam together. We will discuss the potential benefits and risks of this combination and some important points to ensure the safe and effective use of such medications when prescribed together.

Can you take Mirtazapine and Clonazepam together?

It is generally not recommended to take Mirtazapine and Clonazepam together unless advised by a qualified healthcare professional. 

Both Mirtazapine and Clonazepam are prescription medications that should not be used in combination unless your doctor believes that it has a positive risk-benefit ratio (1,2). Mirtazapine is an antidepressant approved by the FDA for the treatment of depression (3). 

Clonazepam, on the other hand, is a benzodiazepine which is a controlled drug that should not be taken for a long period unless advised otherwise by your doctor (4). Both of these meds can increase the risk of certain side effects, making their concomitant use unsuitable in some cases. 

What are the potential benefits of taking Mirtazapine and Clonazepam together?

There may be some potential benefits of taking Mirtazapine and Clonazepam together when it comes to managing mental health conditions like anxiety and depression. 

Clonazepam is known for its effectiveness in treating anxiety, offering a sense of calm and reducing anxiety symptoms (1). Mirtazapine, on the other hand, is more recognized for its role in managing depression by increasing certain neurotransmitter levels in the brain (2). 

Recent research suggests that Clonazepam can be a valuable addition to the treatment of depression, especially in cases where traditional antidepressants like Mirtazapine alone may not be fully effective (5). 

This combination, when adjusted in terms of doses or timing under the guidance of a healthcare provider, can potentially provide relief for both anxiety and depression symptoms. However, it’s crucial to approach this combination with caution. 

Clonazepam has the potential for dependence and tolerance, and its use should be closely monitored by a healthcare professional. Adjusting the doses or timing should only be done under their guidance to ensure the safest and most effective treatment for an individual’s unique condition. 

What are the potential risks of taking Mirtazapine and Clonazepam together?

The combination of Mirtazapine and Clonazepam is associated with some potential health risks. Both of these medications have sedative properties, and combining them can increase the risk of additive side effects. 

Some individuals may experience central nervous system (CNS) depression, leading to symptoms like dizziness, excessive drowsiness, and cognitive impairment (6,7). 

The elderly population may be more susceptible to the sedative effects, increasing the risk of falls or accidents. 

Furthermore, individuals with specific health conditions, like severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma, should avoid Clonazepam – as benzodiazepines can potentially lead to respiratory depression which can worsen these conditions (8). 

The decision to use this combination should always be made by a qualified healthcare professional. A doctor will consider an individual’s complete medical history, other prescription medications they may be taking, and any underlying health conditions that could be affected negatively by this combination. 

It’s crucial to follow your doctor’s directions closely and never adjust the doses or timing without their supervision to ensure safety and effectiveness in managing anxiety and depression symptoms.

How to ensure the safe and effective use of Mirtazapine and Clonazepam together?

Some basic points to ensure the safe and effective use of Mirtazapine and Clonazepam together include (3,4):

  • Always take these medications exactly as prescribed by your healthcare provider. Never change the dose or timing without their approval.
  • Maintain a regular schedule for taking these medications. Consistency helps maximise their effectiveness.
  • Do not consume alcohol while taking Mirtazapine and Clonazepam. Alcohol can interact with these medications and increase their sedative effects.
  • Keep open communication with your healthcare provider. Discuss any concerns, side effects, or changes in your condition promptly. They can adjust your treatment plan if needed.
  • Attend follow-up appointments as recommended by your doctor. 

Remember, safe and effective use of medications is the key to achieving your desired therapeutic response. 


In this article, we have discussed the concomitant use of Mirtazapine and Clonazepam together. We have also discussed the potential benefits and risks of this combination and some important points to ensure the safe and effective use of such medications when prescribed together.

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