Can you take Klonopin if you run out of Xanax? (3 factors to consider)

This article will discuss the use of Klonopin in place of Xanax if one runs out of it. We will also discuss some basic differences between these two medications, although they belong to the same class, to discuss if it’s safe for you to take them interchangeably.

Can you take Klonopin if you run out of Xanax?

You can take Klonopin (Clonazepam) if you run out of Xanax (Alprazolam) once or twice. However, it may cause a slightly different therapeutic response. Both Xanax and Klonopin belong to the same class of medications – Benzodiazepines (1)(2).

However, these medications may differ from each other, even though they have a similar mechanism of action. The responses to these medications can also vary from person to person.

For some, taking a different benzodiazepine than their usual one may cause excessive drowsiness or other unexpected effects. It’s also essential to note that 0.5 mg of Klonopin won’t provide the exact same result as 0.5 mg of Xanax due to the differences in their potency (3)(4).

However, in case of an emergency, if you have run out of Xanax, you can consider taking Klonopin to prevent insomnia or increased anxiety temporarily.

The best practice, though, is to make sure you get your medication refills on time to avoid this situation altogether. This ensures you have the right medication when you need it and can minimise potential complications from switching between benzodiazepines.

Important factors to consider before using Klonopin and Xanax interchangeably

Before considering taking Klonopin if you have run out of Xanax, there are important factors to consider:

Differences in duration of action

Xanax is a shorter-acting benzodiazepine compared to Klonopin. This means that Klonopin may have a longer-laster sedative effect.

Taking Klonopin instead of Xanax may lead to excess sedation, which can result in daytime fatigue or residual drowsiness. This could affect your ability to carry out daily activities effectively (2).

Individual response

Everyone’s body responds differently to medications. If you’re used to taking Xanax, switching to Klonopin may cause increased sedation.

Dosage considerations

It’s crucial to take the appropriate dosage of Klonopin that is suitable for your symptoms. Taking the same dose of both Klonopin and Xanax may not yield the same results because of the differences in potency between the two medications.

Incorrect dosing can increase the risk of side effects and potential complications. 

What to do if you have run out of Xanax?

If you have run out of Xanax, it’s best to get the prescription refill right away. It is usually not recommended to take any other benzodiazepine as a substitute for the one your doctor prescribed.

However, if you can’t miss a dose and can’t get your refill right away, you can take Klonopin. However, you need to be careful with the doses. It’s appropriate to stick to the same dosage strength as the prescribed one.

You can cut Klonopin in half if you have a higher dose available, but make sure you don’t take it whole. This dosage variation can increase the risk of side effects. You can also try taking it earlier in the evening to prevent daytime fatigue.

However, make sure you have your full mental alertness if you drive in the morning or if your job requires you to operate heavy machinery. Furthermore, you should get your prescription refill the next day and avoid doing this again.

If, for some reason, you think that Xanax is not helping you with your symptoms adequately, please talk to your doctor. Do not switch between benzodiazepines on your own. 


In this article, we have talked about taking Klonopin in case you run out of Xanax. We have also discussed some important factors to consider before one starts to do that, and how you should always get your refills on time to avoid such situations completely.


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PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 2802, Clonazepam; [cited 2023 Sept. 4]. Available from: