Can you take Claritin in the morning and Benadryl at night?

In this article, we will discuss taking Claritin in the morning and Benadryl at night. We will also discuss the potential benefits and risks of doing so and what one should do after accidentally taking two antihistamines together.

Can you take Claritin in the morning and Benadryl at night?

You can take Claritin (Loratadine) in the morning and Benadryl (Diphenhydramine) at night, if advised by your healthcare provider – who knows your symptoms and has a sound knowledge of your medical history. 

Both Claritin and Benadryl are antihistamines, belonging to the class of second and first-generation antihistamines respectively (1,2). It is general clinical practice not to take two antihistamines together or on the same day without having an adequate time gap in between. 

Claritin, being a second-generation antihistamine, lasts for an entire day – which is why it is taken as a 10mg once-daily dose (1). It is strictly recommended to stick to the 10mg dose and not take more within 24 hours unless advised otherwise by a healthcare professional. 

Benadryl also works like Claritin and blocks histamine-1 receptors to manage symptoms associated with allergies. However, it is sedative in nature – unlike Claritin and its fellow second-generation antihistamines. 

Potential benefits of taking Claritin in the morning and Benadryl at night

Taking Claritin in the morning and Benadryl at night can help manage severe allergy symptoms while helping one sleep at night. Sometimes, allergies can become quite severe and cause intense symptoms like extreme itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing. 

In such serious cases, taking both Claritin and Benadryl can be considered – but only under the supervision of a doctor. Low-dose Benadryl can also be used as a sleep aid while taking Claritin in the morning for managing allergy symptoms (3). 

However, two antihistamines should not be taken together or on the same day if one is enough to help your symptoms. If it isn’t, you should seek medical attention. 

Potential risks of taking Claritin in the morning and Benadryl at night

It is generally not recommended to take Claritin and Benadryl concomitantly because of the potential risks associated with the use of any two antihistamines together. 

Both of these medications work to block histamines, which are chemicals in your body responsible for allergy symptoms. Using two antihistamines simultaneously can lead to an excess of this blocking action and might not provide much extra benefit for your allergies. 

Claritin is known to stay active in your body for a full day, so if you take it in the morning and then take Benadryl at night, there’s a possibility of an interaction. This interaction can result in additive side effects like (4):

  • Nausea 
  • Dry eyes
  • Xerostomia or dry mouth 
  • Constipation
  • Difficulty in urination 

These side effects can vary and may depend on the leftover concentration of Claritin in your body when you take Benadryl at night. The two medications should never be taken at the same time.

What to do if one antihistamine is not enough to help your symptoms?

If you think one antihistamine, either Claritin or Benadryl, is not enough to help your symptoms effectively, reach out to your healthcare provider. If your doctor believes that taking two antihistamines can help your symptoms, he/she will guide you accordingly. 

If the two medications have to be taken together, there should be at least a 12-hour time gap between their administration. This means that if you’re taking Claritin at 10 am, you should not take Benadryl before 10 pm. 

The doses should also be adjusted to reduce the chances of additive side effects. Remember, safe and effective use of medicines is the best way to achieve a safe and effective therapeutic response. 


In this article, we have discussed the use of Claritin in the morning and Benadryl at night. We have also discussed the potential benefits and risks of doing so and what one should do after accidentally taking two antihistamines together.

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