Can you take Dimetapp and Claritin together?

Can you take Dimetapp and Claritin together?

No, it is not recommended to take Dimetapp and Claritin together. Although there are several different Dimetapp formulations available in the market, they all contain an antihistamine, either Brompheniramine or Diphenhydramine (1,2). 

Both of these antihistamines belong to the same class and have the exact same mechanism of action. Claritin contains Loratadine, which is also an antihistamine (3). 

Loratidine works in almost the same way as Brompheniramine or Diphenhydramine, it’s just not sedative like these two. 

Potential side effects of taking Dimetapp and Claritin together

Taking Dimetapp and Claritin together can result in an increased amount of antihistamines in your system at the same time and too much histamine receptor blockade can cause a number of side effects, like 

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting 
  • Dryness of mouth 
  • Dryness of eyes
  • Constipation 
  • Stomach pain
  • Sedation

These side effects can vary from person to person and may affect some people more severely. The doses of antihistamines taken can also make a difference, and so can the individual-specific factors like age, weight, any underlying health condition, concomitant use of other prescription medications, and overall body physiology.

It is also important to make sure that you are taking these medications in the best possible way to make the most out of them when they’re used individually. Always check for the expiry dates of Claritin or Dimetapp before you take these meds.

Final words

To sum up, it’s not recommended to take more than one antihistamine at the same time. If your condition demands it or you’re having a severe allergic reaction in response to an allergen, your doctor will prescribe you an appropriate combination of these meds to help deal with your symptoms. 

As far as the OTC use is concerned, don’t take more than one antihistamine. One medication is enough to make you feel better.

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MedlinePlus. Loratadine: MedlinePlus drug information [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2022 Feb 15; cited 2022 Dec 13]. Available from:


MedlinePlus. Diphenhydramine: MedlinePlus drug information [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2022 Feb 15; cited 2022 Dec 13]. Available from:


MedlinePlus. Brompheniramine: MedlinePlus drug information [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2022 Feb 15; cited 2022 Dec 13]. Available from: