Can Hydroxyzine make you feel high? (5+ related side effects) 

In this blog post, we are going to answer the question, “Can Hydroxyzine make you feel high?”. Hydroxyzine is an anti-allergy medication that can be used for a number of different types of allergic symptoms. 

However, this medicine is associated with some side effects, some of which are related to your mental health and behaviour. This blog will cover how Hydroxyzine makes you feel. We will also talk about some other common side effects that you should look out for. 

Can Hydroxyzine make you feel high?

No, Hydroxyzine won’t make you feel ‘high’, but it can make you feel extremely drowsy, tired, relaxed, and unable to concentrate on anything. However, it may make you feel euphoric if you take too much of this medication. Hydroxyzine is an anti-allergy medication. 

It works by inhibiting the allergy mediators that are released by mast cells as a result of an allergen. These mast cells release allergy mediators like histamine, cytokines, bradykinins, etc. 

However, Hydroxyzine specifically works to block the effects of histamine, which is one of the most common allergy mediators. It basically inhibits H1 receptors which are also called histamine-1 receptors. 

One of the most common side effects of such medications is sleepiness. This sedation typically occurs because of the blockage of H1 receptors. Make sure you only take this medication if recommended by your healthcare provider.

As it can help induce sleep, some people may start to misuse these meds as sleeping pills and this misuse or overuse of any kind can lead to a number of disturbing side effects. This is because Hydroxyzine can also be used for the purpose of treating anxiety in depression in both adults and children. 

The drug is believed to act on the chemical composition of your brain and alter the amounts of certain neurotransmitters. This indicates that Hydroxyzine has a broader spectrum of action and it can be used in the treatment and management of a number of health conditions. 

One important thing to bear in mind is that medications like Hydroxyzine, which can affect your brain and your behaviour, should be taken cautiously and only when prescribed by your healthcare provider. It can not be classified as an over-the-counter medication so don’t ever use it as one. 

What does research suggest? 

Several research studies have indicated that Hydroxyzine can make you feel really unwell and all over the place if you take higher amounts of this medication. This is because Hydroxyzine can not only bind to histamine-1 receptors, but the drug can also make chemical changes in your brain. 

You can never be certain what damage would be caused by high amounts of such a med, which can affect the entire chemical composition of your brain. 

This effect can be helpful when Hydroxyzine is used in the management and treatment of anxiety disorders, but when used as an anti-allergy medication, this can become one hell of a side effect. 

Another study was determining the therapeutic window of this anti-allergy medication by determining the minimum effective doses and maximum safe doses of the drug. 

That’s when the researchers observed that higher amounts of Hydroxyzine can make you feel high because of the excessive inhibition of your brain. Too much Hydroxyzine can make the chemicals in your brain become severely imbalanced. 

This condition can give rise to a number of complications if not controlled right away. Make sure you take this medication only when your doctor has prescribed it. Always remember to stick to your doctor’s recommended dose. 

What are the side effects associated with the use of Hydroxyzine? 

Like every other medication on this planet, Hydroxyzine is also associated with some side effects. These side effects can vary from person to person.

Some people may not develop unbearable side effects, but some people can develop an allergic reaction to Hydroxyzine which can lead to the discontinuation of treatment with this anti-allergy medication. Some of the common side effects associated with the use of Hydroxyzine include:

  • Upset stomach 
  • Constipation 
  • Dry mouth or xerostomia 
  • Headache 
  • Sleepiness 
  • Dizziness 
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Loss or gain of appetite

Hydroxyzine can also cause some rare and serious side effects which may require immediate medical attention. Make sure you reach out to your healthcare provider as soon as you can if you suffer from the following side effects:

  • An allergic reaction 
  • Redness of skin 
  • Itching 
  • Burning sensation 
  • Blue-purple patches 
  • Tightness of chest 
  • Wheezing 
  • Hoarseness 
  • Inability to breathe 
  • Swelling or tenderness in different parts of the body 
  • Muscle twitching and weakness 
  • Cough 
  • Severe diarrhoea 
  • Confusion 
  • Forgetfulness

How to ensure the proper use of Hydroxyzine? 

Ensuring the proper use of Hydroxyzine is the main key to achieving your desired therapeutic goals. First and the most important thing is to make sure that you are not allergic to Hydroxyzine. 

If you exhibit any sign of an allergic reaction or any unusual side effect right after taking your first ever Hydroxyzine dose, then Hydroxyzine is not a good choice of anti-allergy medication for you. 

To prevent that from happening, you can ask your doctor or pharmacist about the excipients present in the formulation to make sure it does not contain anything that you know you’re allergic to. 

It is also extremely important to inform your doctor about all the meds you have been taking before you take Hydroxyzine. Medications don’t always go well together. Some meds are highly incompatible with one another. 

Some meds are incompatible in terms of the side effects as they all cause the same kind of side effects that may become too much for you to bear. This is why you should inform your doctor if you have been taking anything like:

  • Vitamin or mineral supplements
  • Hypertensives, especially ACE Inhibitors 
  • Antiarrhythmic drugs 
  • Other antiepileptics
  • Antidepressants like Monoaminoxidase inhibitors 
  • Anti-anxiety medications 
  • Antihistamines 
  • Drugs used for the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder 
  • Sleeping pills 
  • Narcotic analgesics
  • Other controlled substances
  • Alcohol

You should definitely inform your healthcare provider if you are a heavy drinker. The concomitant use of Hydroxyzine and alcohol can make you suffer terribly. This is because both of these meds can act as CNS depressants. 

Excessive intake of these two can induce depression and suicidal behaviour in people. It can also cause side effects like dizziness, drowsiness, fatigue, impaired senses, impaired motor coordination, confusion, inability to speak, blackouts, coma, and even death. 

This is why you should never pair these two together. If you’re an alcoholic, don’t forget to mention it to your healthcare provider. Your honesty is necessary to save your own life. 

It is also very important to inform your doctor if you’re pregnant or trying to get pregnant. In animal trials, Hydroxyzine showed drastic effects on the growing fetus. 

The drug was found capable of reducing fertility levels in animal models and even if the process of pregnancy was carried out, the new babies were found to be defective in one or another. However, there is a lack of studies performed on humans. 

It is best to avoid the use of Hydroxyzine if you’re pregnant. It is also important to inform your doctor if you’re a breastfeeding mother. Always make sure to monitor the side effects Hydroxyzine is causing in you and try to manage them properly. 

If it makes you sleepy or dizzy, do not drive while the concentration of the drug is high in your body. If you begin to exhibit any sign of disturbing mental behaviour, like forgetfulness, mood swings, irritability, confusion, etc, immediately seek medical attention and inform your doctor that the medicine is causing psychological side effects. 


In this blog post, we have discussed the psychological side effects of Hydroxyzine and how it can make you feel high or not being in your senses. Studies have suggested that this medication can make you feel high when you take more than the prescribed dose. 

Make sure you only take this medication if recommended by your healthcare provider. As it can help induce sleep, some people may start to misuse these meds as sleeping pills and this misuse or overuse of any kind can lead to a number of disturbing side effects. 

If you begin to exhibit any sign of disturbing mental behaviour, like forgetfulness, mood swings, irritability, confusion, etc, immediately seek medical attention. 

FAQs: hydroxyzine high

How does hydroxyzine make you feel?

Hydroxyzine is an anti-allergy medication. It works by inhibiting the allergy mediators that are released by mast cells as a result of an allergen. These mast cells release allergy mediators like histamine, cytokines, bradykinins, etc. However, Hydroxyzine specifically works to block the effects of histamine, which is one of the most common allergy mediators. It basically inhibits H1 receptors which are also called histamine-1 receptors. 

Is Hydroxyzine similar to Xanax?

No, Hydroxyzine and Xanax are not similar. Hydroxyzine is an anti-allergy medication. It works by inhibiting the allergy mediators that are released by mast cells as a result of an allergen. These mast cells release allergy mediators like histamine, cytokines, bradykinins, etc. 

However, Hydroxyzine specifically works to block the effects of histamine, which is one of the most common allergy mediators. Xanax is a benzodiazepine. It acts on the inhibitory neurotransmitter gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) in your brain to control the excessive neuronal firing that causes anxiety and seizures. 

What will 100 mg of hydroxyzine do?

100 mg Hydroxyzine will help in the management and treatment of the symptoms associated with your allergy. Hydroxyzine can also be used for the purpose of treating anxiety in depression in both adults and children. The drug is believed to act on the chemical composition of your brain and alter the amounts of certain neurotransmitters. Make sure you do not take Hydroxyzine or any other medication without your doctor’s approval. 

Is hydroxyzine like benzo?

No, Hydroxyzine is not like benzo. Benzodiazepines are an entirely different class of medications. They are anti-anxiety medications that can also be used in the treatment and management of epileptic seizures. Hydroxyzine, on the other hand, works by inhibiting the allergy mediators that are released by mast cells as a result of an allergen. These mast cells release allergy mediators like histamine, cytokines, bradykinins, etc.

How long does it take for hydroxyzine to kick in?

Hydroxyzine can start to show its full effects within 30 minutes to an hour. However, this time duration can vary from person to person. Some people begin to see the effects of the drug in less than 30 minutes. Make sure you do not take Hydroxyzine or any other medication without your doctor’s approval. 

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Value of hydroxyzine in generalized anxiety disorder: controlled double-blind study versus placebo