Can Citalopram cause weight gain? (3 whys)

In this article. we will discuss whether Citalopram can cause weight gain. We will also discuss what research has to say about this topic and what you should do if this side effect occurs.

Can Citalopram cause weight gain?

Yes, Citalopram (Celexa) has the potential to lead to weight gain. It is one of the most frequent side effects associated with the use of this medication. However, not everyone will encounter this particular side effect (1). This is because research studies have shown that individuals respond differently to different medications.

Mood disorders, such as depression and anxiety, manifest differently in different individuals. Some people may find themselves eating more, often as a result of stress-eating, while others may experience a decreased appetite and consume less (3).

These variations significantly influence how antidepressants affect appetite and the specific side effects they may generate in one’s body. Therefore, if you observe weight gain while taking this medication, it is advisable to consult with your healthcare provider.

What does research suggest?

Research studies indicate that Citalopram can lead to weight gain through its influence on appetite. These studies reveal that Citalopram, along with other selective serotonin receptor inhibitors (SSRIs), might enhance appetite, resulting in an increased calorie intake (2,5).

As an antidepressant, this medication can also be associated with side effects such as anxiety, stress and mood disturbances during the early stages of treatment, which may further impact changes in appetite and weight gain (2,3,5).

It takes time for the body to adapt to this antidepressant, as is common with most medications. During this adjustment period, changes in mood can trigger unusual cravings for unhealthy foods, contributing to weight gain.

If emotional cravings are indulged while taking this medication, weight gain is likely to occur.  However, it is worth noting that Citalopram is also associated with weight loss as a side effect. The specific weight-related side effects can vary depending on how an individual’s body responds to the medication, as mentioned earlier.

Furthermore, prolonged use of this antidepressant is associated with a noticeable increase in weight (4,5).

What factors can influence Citalopram weight gain?

Numerous factors may contribute to Citalopram-induced weight gain including:

  • Metabolic changes – Antidepressant medications like Citalopram can affect your metabolism. They may induce slow metabolism, making it easier to gain weight.
  • Fluid retention – Some individuals may experience fluid retention as a side effect of this medication, which may lead to weight gain.
  • Individual variation – As earlier mentioned, some may people experience weight gain with this medication as people react differently to medications.
  • Duration of use – Weight gain associated with Citalopram may become more significant with long-term use.
  • Medication dosage- Higher doses of this medication are more likely to cause weight gain.
  • Carbohydrate cravings – Citalopram may influence carbohydrate cravings which may lead to binge-eating and weight gain.

What to do if Citalopram makes you gain weight?

There are a few things you can do if you encounter Citalopram-induced weight gain. These include:

Consult your healthcare provider and follow prescription instructions

The most important thing to do before taking this medication is to talk to your healthcare provider and understand its associated side effects.

If you experience weight gain while taking this medication, you should promptly inform your healthcare provider. Your doctor will assess your specific situation and provide guidance tailored to your needs.

If you are significantly gaining weight while using Citalopram, this medication might not be the right choice of antidepressant for you. Your doctor may switch you to a different antidepressant with a lower potential for weight gain, under their guidance, or reduce your medication dosage.

While using this medication, it is vital to follow your prescriber’s instructions on how to use the medication and for how long. Do not use Citalopram chronically if your doctor has not advised it.

Practice mindful eating

It is important to consciously eat mindfully if you are gaining weight while using this antidepressant. As earlier mentioned, this medication may trigger emotional cravings in the earlier phases of treatment. You must fight through these cravings and make good eating choices.

Additionally, if Citalopram causes changes in appetite, promoting excessive hunger, you should make sure to choose healthy foods and maintain a low-calorie diet to satisfy your hunger. This way you avoid filling your body with unnecessary calories that may be stored as fat in your body and avoid weight gain.


While medication-induced weight gain can be tricky to lose, exercise should be an important part of your daily routine. Persistent exercise and maintaining a good diet can help you maintain a healthy weight.

Physical activity may also help reduce your depression and anxiety by releasing endorphins. This helps manage weight gain by reducing cravings and binge eating. 


In this article, we have explored the potential of Citalopram to cause weight gain. Additionally, we have discussed factors that may influence this side effect and management strategies if weight gain occurs.


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