Why should you take Phentermine on an empty stomach? 

Why should you take Phentermine on an empty stomach? 

It is recommended to take Phentermine on an empty stomach to enhance the absorption of the drug. The presence of food although it doesn’t affect the overall effectiveness of your medication, can delay the onset of action. 

This is why most doctors advise you to take Phentermine either half an hour to an hour before your breakfast or two hours after it. It is also recommended not to delay taking Phentermine and take it as early in the morning as you can. 

Phentermine is a medication used to help with weight loss by reducing appetite. It is classified as a sympathomimetic amine, which means that it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system to decrease appetite (1). 

One of the reported side effects of this medication includes sleep disturbance or insomnia, because of how it works. This insomnia can hit you much more intensely if you take this medication later in the evening or at bedtime. 

How does food affect Phentermine absorption?

Food consumption can affect the absorption of phentermine in a number of different ways. Phentermine may take longer to reach the bloodstream when taken with food, delaying the onset of its effects and decreasing its therapeutic efficacy. 

The bioavailability of Phentermine, or the quantity of medication absorbed by the body, can also be decreased by certain foods, especially those which are heavy in fat. This may result in low drug efficacy and therefore less successful weight loss. 

Taking phentermine with food can also increase the likelihood of experiencing certain side effects, such as nausea, vomiting, and stomach upset. 

What if Phentermine is heavy on your stomach if you take it without food? 

If you find Phentermine heavy on your stomach when you take it without food, you can switch and take your medication with food instead. It is not mandatory to take Phentermine on an empty stomach. It is advised for better effectiveness and faster onset of action. 

If you can’t tolerate taking Phentermine that way, you can take it in between your breakfast. The reason why I’m suggesting taking it with breakfast instead of any other meal is to make sure you take it as early in the day as possible. 

You can also take it with a small snack, such as a piece of fruit or a handful of crackers, to minimize any negative effects on absorption, while preventing side effects like nausea or acid reflux – which are not common but can affect some people. 

It is important to follow the instructions provided by your doctor or pharmacist for taking Phentermine to ensure the best possible outcomes.

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PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 4771, Phentermine; [cited 2022 Nov. 16]. Available from: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Phentermine