Does Adipex make you sweat? (+3 tips)

In this article, we will explore whether Adipex can make you sweat or not, how Adipex induces sweat, what factors influence Adipex-induced sweating, what to do if Adipex causes sweating and how to manage Adipex-induced sweating.

Does Adipex make you sweat?

Yes, Adipex (phentermine) can make you sweat through some indirect pathways. Sweating is not a commonly reported side effect of Adipex. The stimulant effect of Adipex can lead you towards increased sweating. However, there is no definite link between Adipex and sweating.

Adipex is the brand name of phentermine which belongs to the class of stimulants that work by appetite suppression. It is usually prescribed for weight loss in patients who are obese and are at a higher risk of cardiovascular health conditions. It works by affecting the nervous system (1).

If you are taking Adipex and experience increased sweating after consumption then you need to consult your healthcare provider. If this side effect of Adipex starts to interfere with your daily routine then it is the right time to consult your doctor.

How does Adipex induce sweating?

Sweating is not commonly observed in patients taking Adipex but it can be a side effect. Adipex is a stimulant medication that can potentially increase heart rate and metabolic activity (2). The increase in these vitals can cause an increase in the body temperature and the body has to cool down through the mechanism of sweating (3).

Adipex can also cause dehydration due to reduced water thirst and increased urination. Dehydration is also an important factor that may lead you towards sweating after taking Adipex. 

What factors can influence Adipex-induced sweating?

Adipex-induced sweating can be influenced by certain Adipex-related factors such as :

  • Increased dose and prolonged duration of use of Adipex.
  • Individual sensitivity is attributed to genetic predisposition, metabolic rate, age and gender.
  • Dehydration is caused as a side effect of Adipex.
  • Underlying health conditions such as pre-existing hyperhidrosis. 
  • Drug-drug interaction of Adipex with concurrent medications such as antidepressants, anticholinergics or hormonal replacement therapies (4).

Not every individual taking Adipex will experience increased sweating. The effects of Adipex vary from patient to patient due to individual factors influencing the body conditions. The factors involved can be physiological, pharmacological or environmental. 

What to do if Adipex causes sweating?

If you are experiencing increased sweating after taking Adipex, then you need to consult your healthcare provider.

  • Open communication with your doctor is essential to determine the exact cause of your condition.


  • Hydration is the most important key. Drinking 8-10 glasses of water can be efficient with your condition. Electrolyte-rich fluids and broths can also be helpful.


  • You need to observe closely to determine various triggers of your conditions in order to avoid them. 


  • If excessive sweating becomes a hassle then your doctor might suggest you to switch to another medication for your weight loss that induces lesser side effects. The alternatives can be Contrave or Liraglutide etc (5). 


  • Your doctor might also suggest lowering the dose to help your body adjust better to the effects of Adipex to minimize the side effects. 


  • Always check for the expiry of your medication (which in this case is Adipex) before using it for your condition. 

How to manage Adipex-induced sweating?

Sweating is not a dangerous side effect of Adipex. It does not threaten the life of the patient experiencing it. However, it can interfere with daily life and can become a hassle. Here are a few tips to manage sweating induced by Adipex.

  • You need to wear loose clothing made of breathable fabric. They should be natural fabric like cotton. This helps with the sweating.


  • Water intake is essential to maintain the natural working of the body. Drink plenty of water and keep yourself hydrated.


  • Some exercises and activities can induce sweating. If you are already experiencing increased sweating due to Adipex then avoiding such strenuous activities can work in your favour.


  • Topical antiperspirants such as Drysol, Zerosweat, Carpe and Sweatblock can help control the sweating.

In my opinion, Adipex can cause excessive sweating due to various factors involved. Sweating is not a commonly reported side effect of Adipex bt several indirect pathways of Adipex lead you to it. Swrating is not a life-threatening condition but it can interfere with your daily routine adding the discomfort.

If you are taking Adipex and experience excessive sweating or any other of its side effects then consulting your healthcare provider is essential to get a soecific treatmet plan tailored to your needs. 

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