Why can’t you lie down after taking Clindamycin? (3+ ADRs)

In this article, we will discuss whether you can lie down after taking a Clindamycin dose or not. Furthermore, we’ll explore the connection between lying down and Clindamycin’s side effects and the importance and some practical tips for staying upright after taking Clindamycin. 

Why can’t you lie down after taking Clindamycin? 

You should not lie down for at least 10-15 minutes after taking Clindamycin from your mouth. This practice is discouraged by healthcare providers to minimize the risk of oesophagal irritation or inflammation as it is believed that when a person lies down too soon after taking Clindamycin, there is an increased likelihood of the drug coming into contact with the lining of the oesophagus, potentially leading to irritation or inflammation. (1)

Clindamycin is approved by the FDA as an antibiotic medication. It belongs to the lincosamide class of drugs. It exerts its action by inhibiting the protein synthesis of bacteria which is essential for bacterial growth and replication, thus killing or activating the bacteria. It is used to treat a broad range of bacterial infections including skin infections, respiratory tract infections and UTIs among others. (1)

It’s advisable to always follow the specific instructions provided by your doctor or the medication label. If you have any concerns regarding the administration of Clindamycin or experience any unusual symptoms, it’s best to discuss them with your doctor.

What does research suggest?

As per the research studies, more and more people have gone through the condition called pill-induced esophagitis in the last 20 years. The researchers concluded that this happens when certain antibiotics including Clindamycin cause damage to the tube that connects your mouth to the stomach (oesophagus). However, the overall occurrence rate was not found that high. It was about 0.004% each year. (2)

According to another case study, the researchers observed 8 people who experienced oesophagitis because of Clindamycin use. All of them had reported the complaints of experiencing pain while swallowing which is also called odynophagia, within the first day of taking the Clindamycin. Upon examination, the researchers found ulcers (sores) in their throats in most cases. The patients were given proton pump inhibitors along with sucralfate which was found to be effective in improving their symptoms within a week. (2)

They further concluded that doctors must properly educate and guide their patients on how to take certain antibiotics like Clindamycin, such as swallowing the pill while sitting or standing straight (in an upright position) and not lying down immediately after consumption to avoid the risk of this side effect. (2)

What are the potential risks of lying down after taking Clindamycin? 

Lying down immediately after taking a dose of Clindamycin is generally not associated with specific risks related to the medication itself, however, there are some considerations you must keep in mind: (4)

Esophageal irritation:

Clindamycin capsules or tablets can sometimes cause irritation or inflammation in the oesophagus. If you lie down too quickly after taking the medication, there’s an increased possibility of the drug not reaching your stomach immediately, increasing the risk of oesophageal irritation. 

Gastrointestinal upset:

Clindamycin can sometimes cause gastrointestinal side effects such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea or abdominal pain. Lying down immediately after taking the medication can exacerbate these symptoms. 

Reduced absorption:

While it’s not a well-documented issue with Clindamycin, in general, some medications may be absorbed differently when taken in a lying down position. It is always advisable to follow the instructions provided by your doctor or pharmacist regarding the administration of the medication. 

What are the best practices to take Clindamycin?

Here are some general best practices for taking Clindamycin to reduce the risk of side effects: (1)

  • Follow the prescribed dosage:

You must ensure to take the medication as prescribed and instructed by your doctor. Follow the recommended dosage regimen and dosing frequency. Do not alter the dose on your own.

  • Take with water:
Keep in mind to take Clindamycin capsules or tablets with a glass of water. This helps ensure that the medication reaches your stomach and and reduces the risk of esophageal irritation. 
  • Take on an empty stomach or with food:
Clindamycin is allowed to be taken with or without food. If you sense any stomach-related issues, ask your doctor if you can take it with food to alleviate the gastric symptoms.
  • Avoid lying down immediately:
To minimize the risk of esophageal irritation remain in an upright position for at least 30 minutes after taking Clindamycin. This can help the medication reach the stomach more effectively. 
  • Complete the full course:
Do not stop taking antibiotics prematurely even if you sense improvement in your symptoms. Failure to complete the full course may result in developing antibiotic resistance.  
  • Do not double the dose:

If you have missed a dose of Clindamycin, try to take it as soon as you remember. However, if the time for your next dose is near, it is better to skip the missed one and continue with your regular dosing schedule. 

Do not double up on doses to make up for a missed one.  

  • Inform your healthcare provider:
Provide your doctor with a complete medical history including any allergies or previous adverse reactions to antibiotics. This information will help them determine the appropriate treatment for you. 
  • Monitor side effects: 
Be aware of how your body is reacting to the medication. If you sense any unusual or persistent side effects, inform your doctor promptly. 

Summing up Clindamycin’s appropriate administration:

As a pharmacist, from my personal experience, I have suffered severe heartburn and gastrointestinal discomfort by lying down immediately after taking a dose of antibiotics and I have also witnessed the patients reporting this complaint. So, you should sit in an upright position and avoid lying for a few minutes after administering the oral dose to avoid the risk of oesophageal irritation and other gastric-related side effects. 

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