Why can’t you sleep after getting a Cortisone shot? 

Why can’t you sleep after getting a Cortisone shot?

You may find it difficult to fall asleep 24-48 hours after getting your Cortisone shot. This is one of the most commonly experienced side effects of both injectable and oral corticosteroids. 

This usually happens because corticosteroids affect the hormones that regulate sleep and those hormones as well which practically keep you awake. This temporary imbalance affects some people, especially when the concentration of the drug is high in your body.

Should you be worried about insomnia after getting a Cortisone shot? 

You shouldn’t really worry about insomnia after getting a Cortisone shot, as it won’t stay for long. The severity of your sleep disturbances will begin to subside within a few hours, as the concentration of the drug drops down in your blood (1). 

Most people feel much better within 24 hours, whereas some may take up to 48 hours. Insomnia after getting a Cortisone shot doesn’t usually stay longer than a few days. If it does, reach out to your healthcare provider. 

Other corticosteroids like Prednisone can cause tiredness and sleepiness in some people, which may or may not get better with time. This is why you should always monitor your side effects closely and report them to your doctor.

Is there any treatment strategy to get rid of insomnia after a Cortisone shot? 

You don’t really need any type of treatment if insomnia bothers you after getting a Cortisone shot. 

As I discussed in the previous sections, corticosteroids temporarily affect the hormones responsible for regulating your sleep cycle, and as soon as the concentration of the drug reduces, this effect begins to subside. 

It doesn’t stay and you feel your sleep pattern getting better within a few days, if not within a few hours. 

What to do if you continue to struggle with insomnia? 

If you don’t feel better within a week or your insomnia starts to get worse, it’s best to pay your doctor a visit. It doesn’t usually happen that often with Cortisone shots as compared to oral corticosteroids, but people are different and meds can affect them differently. 

So it’s in your best interest to discuss this with your doctor and look out for any other factor that could be contributing to your insomnia. It could be another medication or your lifestyle flaws. Just make sure you don’t start taking any medication for it without consulting your doctor first. 

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Cole JL. Steroid-Induced Sleep Disturbance and Delirium: A Focused Review for Critically Ill Patients. Fed Pract. 2020 Jun;37(6):260-267. PMID: 32669778; PMCID: PMC7357890. Available from: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32669778/