How long does dizziness last after a cortisone shot? (ADRs)

In this article, we will discuss the dizziness associated with cortisone shots and their lasting duration. Furthermore, we’ll explore the causes of dizziness after a cortisone shot, factors affecting the duration of dizziness, potential side effects related to cortisone and some preventions and tips to minimize dizziness after getting a cortisone shot.

How long does dizziness last after a cortisone shot? 

Dizziness is not a common side effect of cortisone shots but like any other medical procedure, individuals reactions may vary. If you’re experiencing a persistent or severe dizziness after cortisone injection it might be related to your specific health condition or other factors. It’s advisable to promptly report this side effect to your doctor so they may evaluate the underlying condition. (1)

Cortisone shots, also known among people as corticosteroid injections are a type of steroid hormone which possesses antiinflammatory properties,  commonly used to treat pain and inflammation in various parts of the body. They are widely prescribed for conditions like osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, gout, tendonitis and certain skin conditions like keloids. (1,4)

What does research suggest? 

According to a research study, scientists performed a clinical review on patients with hearing loss problems. They gave ITI (intratympanic injections) which contain corticosteroids to 59 patients, twice a week for consecutive 2-3 weeks. The purpose of this study was to determine the post-injection complications of corticosteroids in people. (2)

They found out that the majority of people experienced local injection site reactions like pain and irritation in the area along with numbness of the tongue and dizziness. So the researchers concluded that some complications can occur after these injections which are usually short-term and manageable if evaluated on time. (2)

What factors can influence dizziness after a cortisone shot?

While dizziness is not a common side effect associated with cortisone injections, there might be some factors that trigger this effect. The duration of dizziness from cortisone can vary from person to person. Here are some factors that may influence the duration: (1,3)

Dosage of cortisone: The dosage of cortisone injection administered can significantly influence the severity and duration of side effects a person experiences. Higher doses may increase the likelihood of experiencing side effects including dizziness. 

Specific steroid use: Different corticosteroids may have varying side effect profiles. The specific type of cortisone or corticosteroid used in the injection can impact the duration and severity of dizziness. 

Hypotension (Low blood pressure): Corticosteroids like cortisone, can sometimes cause a temporary drop in blood pressure. This can also indirectly contribute to dizziness and lightheadedness. 

Corticosteroid flare: In some cases, people may experience an initial increase in pain and inflammation after the administration of a cortisone shot. This condition is called corticosteroid flare. It can potentially worsen the symptoms and may lead to dizziness. 

Anxiety or stress: The experience of receiving an injection or the anticipation of potential side effects can cause anxiety or stress, leading to dizziness in some individuals. 

Dehydration: Insufficient amount of water intake, called dehydration can also result in dizziness. So, it’s crucial to stay well-hydrated, especially around the time of the injection. 

Underlying health conditions: If a person has any pre-existing medical condition such as cardiovascular or neurological disorders, this can exacerbate the side effects of dizziness after a cortisone shot. 

Positional changes: In some people, dizziness may be more pronounced while they’re changing positions, such as standing up quickly immediately after the injection so it’s better to sit or lie down and wait for a while before you start walking. 

What other potential side effects are related to cortisone shots?

Here are some potential side effects associated with cortisone shots. However, it’s important to keep in mind that their occurrence and severity may vary among individuals. (1)

  • Pain or discomfort at the injection site
  • Thinning of the skin at the injection site
  • Changes in skin colour (lighten or darken)
  • Localized swelling or fluid retention in the treated area
  • Infection at the injection site (signs may include redness, swelling and pain)
  • Tendon weakening or rupture (the risk is higher with repeated injections)
  • Flushing or facial redness
  • Elevated blood sugar levels (this may be a concern for diabetic individuals taking cortisone shots)
  • Corticosteroid flare (this may be subside within a day or two)
  • Prolonged use may suppress adrenal gland functions and affect the body’s natural production of cortisol 

How to manage dizziness after a cortisone shot?

There are some lifestyle modifications and precautions that individuals can consider to minimize the occurrence of potential side effects, including dizziness. 

Before taking the injection, discuss your past medical history with your healthcare provider. Inform them about all the medications you might have been taking including all prescriptions, OTC and herbal supplements and any known allergy or pre-existing health condition. This information will help your doctor assess your specific situation and tailor the treatment accordingly. (1)

Keep in mind that adequate hydration is very important so please drink plenty of water before and after the cortisone injection. As elevations in blood sugar levels associated with cortisone are a major concern, especially for diabetic people, ensure to maintain your regular meals to stabilize your BGL and keep monitoring your blood glucose levels regularly. (1,2)

Avoid the consumption of alcohol and caffeine as both can contribute to significant dehydration. Limit the intake of such substances, especially around the time of your injection. Also, educate yourself about the effects of gradual position changes after cortisone shots. When standing up or changing positions, do so slowly to prevent a sudden drop in blood pressure. (1,3)

You must plan to rest and relax your body for some time after taking the shot so that your body is adjusted to the dose. It’s crucial to follow the post-injection instructions provided by your healthcare provider. Follow them carefully and be vigilant for any unusual symptoms, including dizziness and report promptly to your doctor. (1)

Summing up thoughts on dizziness after cortisone shots:

As a pharmacist, in my opinion, cortisone shots have proved their significant importance in terms of severe pain and inflammation which does not go away only from medications and physiotherapy.

Most of the people experienced relief from their pain but some have also reported side effects discussed above. So it’s advisable to not self-prescribe these shots to yourself without your doctor’s consultation and follow their guidance. Dizziness after these shots is usually for a short duration and manageable, however, if it gets persistent or bothersome, inform your doctor right away as time is crucial. 

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