Why am I not losing weight on Qsymia? 

Why are you not losing weight on Qsymia? 

You may not lose weight in Qsymia because of one or more of the following reasons:

  • A low dose of Qsymia 
  • Unhealthy diet
  • Mineral and vitamin deficiency 
  • An underlying health condition 
  • Sedentary lifestyle 
  • Sleep deprivation 
  • Excessive levels of stress
  • Dehydration 
  • Use of another medication along with Qsymia

A low dose of Qsymia 

You may not be losing weight on Qsymia because of the low dose. Although it is ideal to start the treatment from the lowest effective dose as it’s impossible to predict how new users would react to this medication, some people may find the initial dose too low to be effective. 

This can lead to unsatisfactory outcomes. However, it’s an easy fix. Your doctor will increase the dose and send you back home. Hopefully, you will respond to the new dose and will begin to see some changes in your body weight. 

However, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recommended that Qsymia should be discontinued if you fail to achieve at least 3-5% of weight loss after 12 weeks of treatment – if further dose escalation is not possible (1). It clearly indicates that this drug is not the right choice of medication for you and it should not be continued. 

Unhealthy diet 

Qsymia is indeed a weight loss pill, but it is not a magic pill. You will not lose any weight on this medication if you’re not eating right. If you continue to eat unhealthy foods or foods packed with sugar or refined carbohydrates, you will not see any change. 

This pill usually comes with dietary restrictions as your diet plays the most important role in your weight loss. Make sure you eat all the right kinds of foods that are not packed with empty calories. 

Mineral and vitamin deficiency 

If you’re mineral and vitamin deficient, you may find it difficult to lose weight on Qsymia. This is because minerals and vitamins play a great role in regulating your metabolism and the way your body absorbs nutrients. 

If you’re deficient, your metabolism will slow down and the food you eat will not be processed the way it should. This makes weight loss a little difficult for you.

An underlying health condition 

An underlying health condition that you are not aware of may also delay the effects of Qsymia or make the drug ineffective. This is why you should consult your healthcare provider if you don’t see any changes in your weight within the first few weeks of your treatment. 

Your doctor will rule out the possibility of any underlying disease that could hinder your progress with Qsymia. 

Sedentary lifestyle 

A sedentary lifestyle is another reason you may not lose weight as much as you should on Qsymia. This is because inadequate physical activity can drastically slow down your metabolism and it is extremely hard for a slow metabolism to burn more calories. 

If your body is not burning enough calories, you will not lose any weight. Make sure you keep moving. Incorporate a good workout regimen in your routine to help strengthen your body and mind. 

Sleep deprivation 

You may not lose that much weight on Qsymia if you’re sleep-deprived. Your sleep cycle is closely related to your metabolism and the way your body burns excess fat. It can also mess up your energy levels and make you feel lethargic. 

Tiredness can prevent you from moving much and is capable of ruining your mood throughout the day. This is why you should always maintain good sleep hygiene. 

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends you sleep around 7-9 hours every night, which is essential for your normal physiological functioning. 

Excessive levels of stress 

Stress is well known for causing weight gain and it can make Qsymia ineffective for you. When you’re stressed or worried, a steroidal hormone called ‘Cortisol’ is released in your stomach. 

This hormone can make a lot of weight-related changes in your body, both directly and indirectly. The direct way to gain weight is by increasing the fat deposition around your belly. 

Studies have shown that high levels of cortisol are closely linked to belly fat, often known as stress belly, in stressed individuals. It can also increase your blood sugar levels and can put you at risk of diabetes mellitus. 

This hormone can also make you gain weight indirectly by first increasing your appetite and by triggering episodes of unhealthy cravings that can make you gain a tremendous amount of weight if you continue to give in to such cravings. 

Make sure you manage your stress levels by engaging in activities that calm you down. It could be anything for you; walking, gardening, gaming, reading, etc. Do what makes you feel good and continue to make some time for it every day. 


Not drinking enough water can also interfere with the effects of Qsymia to some extent. Make sure you drink plenty of water. If you find it hard to drink a lot of water throughout the day or it’s too boring for you, you can try making detox water. 

This way your water will taste refreshing and it will be easier for you to drink it. You can add berries, lemon, ginger, kiwi, oranges, cucumbers, etc to your water. 

Use of another medication along with Qsymia

Another important factor that often gets neglected is the concomitant use of Qsymia with any such medication that can affect the absorption of your weight loss pill in your body. Drug interactions are a real thing and they can go deeper than you think. 

Even an OTC medication can affect the way Qsymia absorbs in your body. When the drug is not absorbed properly, it will not deliver a promising outcome. 

Make sure you inform your healthcare provider about any medication, even OTC ones, that you may be taking with Qsymia. It is also not recommended to start taking any prescription medication without your doctor’s approval. 

Final words

There could be a number of reasons why you’re failing to lose weight on this medication. If your body generally responds well to the medication, other factors can be fixed by lifestyle modifications.

Weight is generally impossible without making healthy changes in your diet and staying consistent with them. When medications are involved, it is important to make sure that they are the right ones for you. If you are concerned about your weight while taking Qsymia, you should talk to your doctor. 

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US Food and Drug Administration Prescribing information. QSYMIA (phentermine and topiramate extended-release) capsules, for oral use. [updated 2012 Jul]. In: Drugs@FDA: FDA Approved Drug Products [Internet]. Silver Spring (MD); [cited 2022 Apr 26]. Available from: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2012/022580s000lbl.pdf.