When can you take Claritin after taking Benadryl?

When can you take Claritin after taking Benadryl?

You can take Claritin after 4-7 hours of taking Benadryl. The concomitant use of these two meds is not recommended because they are both antihistamines. 

Both Claritin and Benadryl work by inhibiting histamine receptors to manage allergy symptoms in your body. If you take two meds with the same mechanism of action, you are likely to experience additive side effects. 

This is why it’s best to give at least 4 to 8 hours before you take Claritin, as this time period allows Benadryl to work and reach its minimum concentration in your blood. Although, you don’t really need to administer two antihistamines and one is usually enough. 

According to experts, taking more than one antihistamine won’t really enhance the therapeutic outcome and you’re not likely to see any major difference as compared to taking one antihistamine. Therefore, you don’t need another antihistamine after taking Benadryl.

Make sure you only take those meds which are essential to help you get better. Unnecessary medications should be avoided. If one med is enough to help you with your symptoms, you should not opt for taking more. 

What are the potential side effects of taking Claritin and Benadryl together?

The concomitant use of Claritin and Benadryl may cause some side effects, these include (1,2):

  • Drowsiness
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Blurred vision
  • Dry mouth
  • Constipation
  • Difficulty urinating
  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Tremors
  • Sweating
  • Flushing

It is important to note that the combined use of Claritin and Benadryl does not cause these side effects in every other individual. However, it is not a common practice to take two antihistamines together, unless your doctor recommends you to.

What to do if you have accidentally taken Claritin and Benadryl together?

If you have accidentally taken Claritin and Benadryl together once or twice, it will most likely not damage your health. You may find yourself tired or sleepy, and your mouth may feel extra dry. However, more serious side effects are not expected after taking them together only once. 

It is also important to note that individuals may react differently to medications, as people have different genetic makeup and have different factors that could affect the way their body reacts to meds. If you have taken Claritin and Benadryl together and you feel unusual, immediately seek medical attention.

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MedlinePlus. Loratadine. MedlinePlus drug information [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2022 Feb 15; cited 2022 Nov 24]. Available from: https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a697038.html


MedlinePlus. Diphenhydramine. MedlinePlus drug information [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2022 Feb 15; cited 2022 Nov 24]. Available from: https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a682539.html