When can you drink alcohol after taking Bactrim?

When can you drink alcohol after taking Bactrim?

It is not recommended to drink alcohol after taking Bactrim and it’s best if you avoid alcohol as long as you’re being treated with this antibiotic. 

There are a number of reasons why the use of alcohol is contraindicated while on Bactrim, and the greater risk lies in drinking alcohol within 4-5 hours of Bactrim.

During this time period, Bactrim is present in the maximum concentration in your body and alcohol should not be in your system. This is why it is best to steer clear from alcohol till your Bactrim course lasts.

What are the dangers of drinking alcohol after taking Bactrim? 

Bactrim and alcohol don’t pair well together for several reasons. According to research studies, Bactrim inhibits the enzyme acetaldehyde dehydrogenase, which is primarily involved in the digestion of alcohol (1). 

This increases the toxicity and side effects of alcohol. There are other potentially harmful reactions of drinking alcohol and Bactrim together. Let’s discuss them in detail. 

High risk of liver toxicity 

The concomitant use of alcohol and Bactrim can increase the risk of liver toxicity. Both alcohol and Bactrim are hepatotoxic in nature and this toxicity enhances when you combine them. 

The side effects of this combination can be life-threatening if you already have hepatic insufficiency.

Severe gastrointestinal side effects 

Bactrim and alcohol can cause gastrointestinal side effects and combined use can significantly increase the intensity. Since Bactrim is an antibiotic, it affects the normal gut microflora and causes side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, abdominal pain, acid reflux, etc. 

Alcohol, on the other hand, is also heavy on your stomach and causes similar side effects. When combined, the intensity of these effects increases and can significantly damage the protective lining around your stomach. 

Impaired drug metabolism 

Both alcohol and Bactrim can affect the metabolism of one another. A number of liver enzymes in your body control the process of chemical metabolism. 

If the specific enzyme responsible for metabolizing a specific drug is inhibited, the active drug starts to accumulate in your system and cause toxicity. The concomitant use of alcohol and Bactrim does the same. 

Decreased immunity 

Using alcohol and Bactrim together can reduce the strength of your immune system. 

According to research studies, the concomitant use of alcohol with any antibiotic can reduce the recovery rate of the patient as infections take longer to heal, as compared to the proper use of antibiotics without alcohol consumption. 

Advice from a pharmacist 

It’s best to avoid drinking alcohol while you’re on Bactrim. The first 4-5 hours after taking Bactrim has the most serious health risks as the drug concentration is highest in your body during this time period. It’s best to wait for 2-3 days after your last Bactrim dose before consuming alcohol. 

Alcohol should generally be avoided with antimicrobials, including antifungals like Fluconazole and antivirals like Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir

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Mergenhagen KA, Wattengel BA, Skelly MK, Clark CM, Russo TA. Fact versus Fiction: a Review of the Evidence behind Alcohol and Antibiotic Interactions. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2020 Feb 21;64(3):e02167-19. doi: 10.1128/AAC.02167-19. PMID: 31871085; PMCID: PMC7038249. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7038249/