What are the side effects of Harvoni when taken with alcohol? 

What are the side effects of Harvoni when taken with alcohol? 

When Harvoni is taken with alcohol, liver damage is the most concerning side effect. Harvoni is an antiviral medication used for the management and treatment of hepatitis C (1). 

The hepatitis C virus mainly starts to target your liver. In fact, it leads to cirrhosis as the disease progresses. The medication is used to control viral replication and hence, decrease the viral load in your body. 

The use of alcohol with Harvoni totally negates that therapeutic goal. It may not interact with your medication, but it will most probably delay your recovery process because of its hepatotoxic nature. 

Alcohol damages your liver and makes it more susceptible to viral growth as a damaged liver has weak immune cells and it becomes more sensitive to the effects of both the virus and the alcohol. 

What to do if you have taken alcohol with Harvoni? 

If you have taken alcohol with Harvoni and feel unusual, you need to talk to your healthcare provider. Although a glass or two may not affect you, some people may respond to it as we all have different physiological makeup. 

If you have been continuously drinking, you must tell your doctor about it. He or she may ask to run some tests to check your liver enzyme levels and an appropriate treatment strategy will be determined according to the results. 

Just make sure you cut back on alcohol entirely when you’re struggling with liver damage. Even if you drink less, nothing can change the fact that alcohol affects your liver primarily and you don’t want that if you already have a virus inside your body that’s damaging your liver too. 

Final words

Ton sum up, Harvoni should not be paired with alcohol. Its a known fact that alcohol damages your liver and drinking it when your hepatic functions are already compromised by a virus could significantly damage this vital organ.

This is why you should limit alcohol intake while suffereing from hepatitis and should give your body enough time to heal. Liver is considered an only internal organ with a 100% healing capacity. However, if your liver is damaged beyond that capacity, it will not fully heal. 

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National Library of Medicine (US). Ledipasvir and Sofosbuvir. Bethesda (MD): U.S. National Library of Medicine; 2021 Mar 15 [updated 2021 Mar 15; cited 2022 Oct 30]. Available from: https://medlineplus.gov/druginfo/meds/a614051.html