What happens if you take two Pristiq? (3+ precautions)

In this article, we will try to answer the question “What happens if you take two Pristiq?”. We will discuss the possible side effects and risks of Pristiq overdose, what to do if you have taken two Pristiq and how to ensure the safe and effective use of Pristiq.

What happens if you take two Pristiq?

Taking two Pristiq will increase the risk of adverse effects caused by Pristiq. If you take the highest available dose of Pristiq twice, it can cause an overdose and result in potentially life-threatening side effects.

Pristiq contains desvenlafaxine, a serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) approved by the FDA for the treatment of adults suffering from major depressive disorder (MDD). It is sometimes also used off-label for the treatment of hot flashes in women undergoing menopause. (1,2). 

The recommended daily dosing of Pristiq is 50mg daily with or without food. A lower dose of 25mg is normally used during discontinuation of therapy when dose reduction is required. The maximum dose per day is 100mg. You can take Pristiq at any time of the day but should not cut, break or chew the tablet.

If you take two doses of Pristiq, 25mg or 50mg, you will experience common side effects but a bit more potentiated than normal. If the total dose consumed is not greater than 100mg per day, you will most likely not see overdose symptoms, but the severity of any type of symptom experienced may vary from person to person.

Common side effects

Some common side effects of Pristiq include:

  • Nausea
  • Insomnia
  • Somnolence
  • Dizziness
  • Constipation
  • Hyperhidrosis
  • Anxiety
  • Decreased appetite
  • Male sexual function disorders

However, if you take two doses of the highest available dose i.e.100mg, you will most likely experience overdose symptoms, which can be severe and life-threatening.

Side effects of overdose

Side effects of Pristiq overdose can include the following:

  • Tachycardia
  • Changes in the level of consciousness
  • Dilated pupils
  • Seizures
  • Vomiting
  • Electrocardiogram (ECG) changes
  • Liver necrosis
  • Bradycardia
  • Hypotension
  • Rhabdomyolysis
  • Serotonin syndrome
  • Vertigo
  • Coma and sometimes even death

Self-increase in the dosage of Pristiq is not recommended. You should take the medication as prescribed by the healthcare provider and in the doses prescribed.

What does research say?

A research study assessing 182 cases of desvenlafaxine overdose reported the occurrence of side effects like hypertension in 23 patients and tachycardia in 29 patients. The incidence of serotonin syndrome was found in 7 patients (3).

Cases in which patients had co-ingested another medication reported some additional side effects along with the aforementioned ones. The side effects reported in cases of co-ingestion were seizures in 5 patients and ECG changes in 15 patients (3).

Another study assessing the case presentation of drug overdose in the emergency department reported co-ingestion of desvenlafaxine and amitriptyline. This overdose of both medications was done by an 18-year-old girl with a known history of depression. The case reported side effects such as dilation of pupils, ECG changes and reduced level of consciousness (4). 

When can you take two Pristiq?

If you have been prescribed 100mg per day of Pristiq by your healthcare provider, you can take two tablets of 50mg, if the 100mg pill is not available. You can also take two pills of 25mg each if you are prescribed a dose of 50mg per day of Pristiq.

The starting dose of Pristiq is 50mg per day. If you do not respond well to that dose, your doctor may increase or decrease the dosage after a careful assessment of your medical condition and associated symptoms.

What to do if you have taken two Pristiq?

If you have taken two pills of Pristiq accidentally, or deliberately and are now regretting your mistake there are a few tips that you can follow:

Stay calm

First and foremost, staying calm is key. Panic can only create stress and worsen the situation. So do not panic because taking two doses of Pristiq can be managed with little to no medical intervention.

Assess your symptoms

Assess yourself for any unusual symptoms. Pristiq overdose can cause symptoms like tachycardia, vomiting, dizziness, hypotension, changes in level of consciousness etc. which need to be addressed immediately.

Seek medical advice and assistance

Consult your healthcare provider for medical advice and assistance. Tell them the whole situation and they will provide you with the best option of treatment based on your condition.

Take emergency measures

If your symptoms worsen immediately call an ambulance and go to the nearest emergency department so you can be given appropriate treatment.

How to ensure safe and effective use of Pristiq?

There are many ways to ensure the safe and effective use of Pristiq. Some of them are as follows:

Follow the instructions of your provider

Follow the instructions of your healthcare provider. Take Pristiq exactly as prescribed by your doctor and do not make any changes or amends to your medication. Have a detailed study of the patient information leaflet of your medication to ensure you are taking it as directed. Do not increase or decrease the dosage of Pristiq without the approval of a healthcare professional.

Avid triggers like alcohol

Avoid the use of alcohol because it increases the incidence of side effects and you can overdose due to impaired thinking under the influence of alcohol.

Avoid drugs that interact

Inform your doctor about any other medicines or herbal supplements that you are taking so that their safety can be assured. If your doctor finds any potential interactions between Pristiq and other medications, he may ask you to stop them for the duration of Pristiq therapy.

Avoid driving

Desvenlafaxine can cause dizziness and drowsiness. It is better to avoid activities like driving or operating machinery, that need to be performed under full concentration.

Patience and persistence

You have to be patient and persistent with your medication. Pristiq may take a few days to work, and may also cause initial side effects at the start of therapy. Your body will adjust to the medicine and start showing improvement in your symptoms. You should make a routine of taking Pristiq at a specific time each day and stick to it for the best results.

Use a pillbox

Using a pillbox or pill organiser can prevent accidental overdose of Pristiq. You can use these to keep track of your medications and take them properly.

Go on follow-ups

Go for your regular follow-ups and appointments. You should not miss any appointments or follow-ups because they are crucial to monitor your progress and tolerability of the medication. You can also discuss any discomfort you are experiencing with Pristiq therapy before it becomes a major problem.

Do not discontinue abruptly

Do not discontinue your medication abruptly. If you want to stop taking Pristiq, do not stop immediately. Instead, consult your healthcare provider and work with them to come up with a plan to gradually reduce your dosage and stop therapy.

Monitor your symptoms

If you feel Pristiq is causing side effects or unusual symptoms, you should monitor and keep track of them. If you feel anything out of the ordinary you can consult your healthcare provider for assistance.

Consult your doctor

If you need any help managing your symptoms or are having any issues with your medication, consult your doctor for advice. Discuss all your problems with your healthcare provider and let them devise a plan to better meet your needs.


In conclusion, taking two doses of Pristiq can cause unwanted side effects that may become serious. If the ingested dose does not increase the maximum daily dose you may experience some common side effects that will subside. However, if you overdose on a larger quantity you may have severe side effects that may require immediate medical attention. In my opinion, you should be mindful and keep track of your medication usage to avoid such situations.

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The Food and Drug Administration (FDA). HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION. PRISTIQ® (desvenlafaxine) Extended-Release tablets, for oral use. Available from: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2018/021992s042lbl.pdf 


Naseeruddin R, Rosani A, Marwaha R. Desvenlafaxine. [Updated 2023 Jul 10]. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan-. Available from: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK534829/


Cooper JM, Brown JA, Cairns R, Isbister GK. Desvenlafaxine overdose and the occurrence of serotonin toxicity, seizures and cardiovascular effects. Clinical Toxicology. 2017 Jan 2;55(1):18-24. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/15563650.2016.1223847


Kaicker J, Bostwick J. Co-ingestion of tricyclic antidepressants with selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors: Overdose in the emergency department. Canadian Family Physician. 2016 Jun 1;62(6):485-9. https://www.cfp.ca/content/cfp/62/6/485.full.pdf

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