Should you take meloxicam in the morning or at night? (+3)

In this article, we will discuss whether meloxicam should be taken in the morning or night. We will also discuss the benefits and drawbacks of taking meloxicam in the morning or night and tips for taking meloxicam appropriately. 

Should you take meloxicam in the morning or at night?

Meloxicam can be taken either in the morning or evening and no specific time is recommended in the official label of meloxicam. Meloxicam is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) commonly sold under the brand name Mobic (1). 

Meloxicam is prescribed to manage conditions like osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) (1). The official label of meloxicam does not suggest whether the timing of administration influences its effectiveness (1).

However, the timings of taking a medication may be important as circadian rhythms in the body may influence the intensity of the disease symptoms and the body’s ability to handle medications (2).

Coordinating the timings of the medication with circadian rhythm may help to maximize the benefits of medication and reduce its side effects (2). Thus, the timing of taking meloxicam may also influence its therapeutic effects. 

As no specific timings are recommended by the manufacturers, meloxicam can be taken at any time of the day. You may discuss it with your healthcare provider or may decide based on the benefits and drawbacks of different times. 

What is the best time of the day to take meloxicam?

The most suitable time for taking meloxicam can vary based on individual response to the medication, intensity of symptoms, and incidence of side effects. Meloxicam is associated with the following side effects (1): 

  • abdominal pain
  • diarrhea
  • dyspepsia
  • nausea
  • indigestion
  • vomiting
  • flatulence
  • dizziness 
  • gastrointestinal bleeding (severe)
  • gastroesophageal reflux (severe)
  • stomach or intestinal perforation (severe) 

Based on the side effects you experience, you can decide at what time they can be managed and tolerated well and take meloxicam accordingly. Some benefits and drawbacks of taking meloxicam in the morning and at night are as follows: 

timings benefits drawbacks
  • can synchronize with the body’s circadian rhythms to achieve maximum effectiveness during active hours
  •  reduces the pain and inflammation during day time and improves mobility and functioning
  • the side effects of meloxicam may be difficult to manage during the day, especially for individuals who work in the morning. 
  • provides relief from pain and inflammation at night facilitating peaceful sleep.
  • easier to manage the side effects at night if the individual works in the morning 
  • may cause increased side effects if the individual does not take meloxicam with food.
  • the side effects may cause impaired sleep and cause day time sleepiness 

What does research suggest?

Although the official guidelines of meloxicam do not mention whether it should be taken in the morning or night, research indicates that taking NSAIDs in the morning might provide better benefits than taking it at night (3). 

In one study, NSAIDs were administered to mice who had tibia fracture surgery. The mice who received NSAIDs during the active period (daytime) showed faster recovery than those mice who received the medication at night (3). 

The study revealed that taking NSAIDs in the morning was more effective in promoting pain management, healing, and recovery, and the expression of healing substances was raised as compared to taking NSAIDs in the morning (3). 

This research implies that NSAIDs like meloxicam may be more therapeutic and beneficial if taken in the morning. However, the choice of timing still depends on individual symptoms and the recommendation of the healthcare provider. 

How to take meloxicam appropriately? 

Take meloxicam as prescribed by the healthcare provider. According to the official guidelines, meloxicam can be taken with or without food at any time of the day (1).

However, medications with gastrointestinal (GI) side effects are recommended to be taken with food to reduce the risk of side effects. Once you take the medication do not lie down for 15-30 minutes to avoid intense GI side effects. 

Meloxicam is prescribed after the healthcare provider has analyzed the potential benefits and risks and considered other treatment options (1). 

The treatment with meloxicam is started from the lowest effective dose and the highest allowed dose for adults is 15 mg. For patients undergoing hemodialysis, the maximum allowed dose is 7.5 mg (1). 

In my experience:

As per my understanding, meloxicam can be taken at any time of the day, either morning or night. The official label does not recommend taking it at a specific time. However, the research indicates that NSAIDs may work better during the day.

Meloxicam can be taken in the morning or at night based on individual choice. Both timings have their respective sets of benefits and drawbacks.

Based on your tolerance, symptoms, and side effects, you can decide when to take meloxicam or your healthcare provider may recommend an appropriate time based on your condition. 

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Mobic® (meloxicam) tablets. Boehringer Ingelheim Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Reference ID: 3097107 [Internet] [updated 2012 July; cited 2024 Jan 12]. Available:


Kaur G, Phillips CL, Wong K, McLachlan AJ, Saini B. Timing of Administration: For Commonly-Prescribed Medicines in Australia. Pharmaceutics. 2016 Apr 15;8(2):13. doi: 10.3390/pharmaceutics8020013. PMID: 27092523; PMCID: PMC4932476.


Al-Waeli H, Nicolau B, Stone L, Abu Nada L, Gao Q, Abdallah MN, Abdulkader E, Suzuki M, Mansour A, Al Subaie A, Tamimi F. Chronotherapy of Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs May Enhance Postoperative Recovery. Sci Rep. 2020 Jan 16;10(1):468. doi: 10.1038/s41598-019-57215-y. PMID: 31949183; PMCID: PMC6965200.