Mirtazapine success stories: What people have experienced so far? 

This article will share some Mirtazapine success stories. We will also discuss the overall success rate of this antidepressant and the conditions it is approved to manage and treat.

What is the success rate of Mirtazapine?

Mirtazapine has a success rate of about 50-60% in the management and treatment of symptoms associated with depression (1). However, the success rate can vary from person to person, and it’s important to note that what works for one may not work as effectively for another. 

Genetic differences play a significant role in this variation, affecting how our bodies process and react to medications. The user experience with Mirtazapine also varies. 

Some individuals report significant mood improvement and a reduction in depression symptoms, while others may not experience the same level of positive effects (2). It’s essential to discuss these points with a healthcare provider for ensuring a safe and effective therapeutic outcome.

The FDA has approved Mirtazapine for the treatment of major depressive disorder (3). It is important to follow your healthcare provider’s recommendations regarding dosage and duration. 

What have people experienced so far?

Many people have come forward and shared their Mirtazapine success stories. A 34-year-old Martha stated:

“Just 2 years ago I was struggling with intense sadness and low energy, barely getting through the day. Like the stubborn person that I am, I ignored it and blamed nature for giving me a tough life, but soon that changed into my worst nightmare when I started having suicidal thoughts.”

She continued:

“I visited my doc who then put me on Mirtazapine. Within a few weeks, I started feeling a gradual lift in my mood, as if a dark cloud had lifted and I could finally see the sun again. It wasn’t a magic fix, but it’s been a game-changer for me.”

Another Mirtazapine user, 37-year-old Kristine shared her story:

“Mirtazapine has been a lifeline for my depression. I used to feel so overwhelmed by daily stressors, and my mind seemed to race all the time. My doctor suggested trying Mirtazapine, and it’s been like a calm breeze washing over me.”

She continued: 

“I still face challenges, but I can handle them without the constant depression weighing me down. I’m sleeping better, too, which has made a huge difference. I’m back to being me, just a much more relaxed and confident version.”

It is indeed a success story and it’s amazing how she knows that her life hasn’t magically changed, as nothing can really do that – but she can now deal with her problems in a constructive way.

Jonathan, a 29-year-old Mirtazpine user also shared his story and revealed how it wasn’t easy for him, but he did make it through:

“My journey with Mirtazapine has been a bit of a rollercoaster, but I’m grateful for the relief it has provided. When I started, it took a bit of time to notice significant changes, and I did experience some initial side effects.”

He continued: 

“I got worried and discussed stopping the drug with my doc, who advised me to give some time to my body to adjust, and I’m so glad I did. Within a few weeks of my treatment, the side effects faded away, and I began feeling more stable. This experience taught me that patience is key when it comes to finding the right medication, and I’m glad I stuck with it.”

We couldn’t agree more with Jonathan! Patience is indeed an important key when it comes to the treatment of mood disorders, like depression and anxiety. You need to hang in there and give your body enough time to accept the change caused by the medication. 

Eventually, as your body adjusts to this change, it gets easier for you. Just remember, following your prescription properly is essential if you wish to achieve a safe and effective therapeutic response. 

If you are experiencing side effects or they are getting intolerable for you, please talk to your doctor. Mirtazapine may not be the best choice of antidepressant for every single individual out there. 

There are plenty of other antidepressants which can be used in place of Mirtazapine. Just trust your provider with the right choice of antidepressant and stick to your prescription. 


In this article, we have discussed some success stories following the use of Mirtazapine. We have also talked about the primary therapeutic uses of this antidepressant and its overall success rate.

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Alam A, Voronovich Z, Carley JA. A review of therapeutic uses of mirtazapine in psychiatric and medical conditions. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 2013;15(5):PCC.13r01525. doi: 10.4088/PCC.13r01525. Epub 2013 Oct 10. PMID: 24511451; PMCID: PMC3907331. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3907331/


Fava M, Dunner DL, Greist JH, Preskorn SH, Trivedi MH, Zajecka J, Cohen M. Efficacy and safety of mirtazapine in major depressive disorder patients after SSRI treatment failure: an open-label trial. J Clin Psychiatry. 2001 Jun;62(6):413-20. doi: 10.4088/jcp.v62n0603. PMID: 11465517. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11465517/


The  Food and Drug Administration (FDA). HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION. REMERON® (mirtazapine) tablets, for oral use. Available from: https://www.accessdata.fda.gov/drugsatfda_docs/label/2020/020415s029,%20021208s019lbl.pdf

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