Is Propranolol safe to take with Prozac and Wellbutrin?

Is Propranolol safe to take with Prozac and Wellbutrin?

Propranolol, Prozac, and Wellbutrin may interact with one another, but they can still be used if prescribed by your healthcare provider. Both Prozac (Fluoxetine) and Wellbutrin (Bupropion) are antidepressants and can inhibit the enzyme responsible for the metabolism of Propranolol. 

This impaired drug metabolism of this beta-blocker can increase the stay time of the active drug in your body, which can cause some adverse events. These include:

Potential side effects of taking Propranolol with Prozac and Wellbutrin

The combined use of Propranolol, Prozac, and Wellbutrin can cause some side effects. These include (1,2,3):

  • Dizziness 
  • Lightheadedness 
  • Low blood pressure 
  • Heart-sinking feeling 
  • Low heartbeat 
  • Tiredness 

The occurrence and intensity of these side effects can vary, depending on patient-specific factors, like age, weight, doses of the three medications taken, any pre-existing health condition that can prolong the duration of action of these meds, and how sensitive you generally are to medications.

Some people may experience severe dizziness on Wellbutrin and Prozac, which can become much more pronounced when the antidepressants are paired with Propranolol- as this medication lower heart rate and blood pressure. 

What’s the best way to take Propranolol, Prozac, and Wellbutrin together? 

The best way to take Propranolol, Prozac, and Wellbutrin together is to talk to your healthcare provider if it’s even safe for you to do so. If your doctor has prescribed it, the best way to take these meds together is to start with the lowest effective dose of Propranolol. 

Since you don’t know how the combination will make you feel, it’s not wise to start the drug from a high dose. Once you are certain that the combination is not causing any disturbing side effects in you, the dose can be increased. 

However, it’s still best to take them all at separate times to prevent the high concentration of these meds in your body at the same time. This way, the possible interactions and side effects can be prevented. 

Remember, taking these meds together without your doctor’s approval is not recommended. 

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MedlinePlus. Bupropion. MedlinePlus drug information [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2022 Feb 15; cited 2022 Dec 7]. Available from:


MedlinePlus. Fluoxetine. MedlinePlus drug information [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2022 Feb 15; cited 2022 Dec 7]. Available from:


MedlinePlus. Propranolol. MedlinePlus drug information [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2022 Feb 15; cited 2022 Dec 7]. Available from:

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