How to switch Zoloft from evening to morning? 

How to switch Zoloft from evening to morning? 

The best way to switch Zoloft from evening to morning is to simply skip your evening dose and take it the following morning instead, from where you can continue to take it in the morning every day. 

However, you need to consult your healthcare provider first before you make these changes. All people are unique in terms of the symptoms for which they started taking Zoloft in the first place. 

Some people take more prescription medications along with Zoloft and their timings need to be adjusted accordingly. This is why it’s best to ask your doctor first and then you can safely change the timing of your antidepressant. 

The common reason why people switch Zoloft from evening to morning

Zoloft (Sertraline) is an SSRI and it is one of the most commonly prescribed antidepressants (1). However, Zoloft can cause insomnia, especially during the early course of the treatment. 

The effects of insomnia are usually more pronounced if you take Zoloft in the evening or at bedtime. This is why most people switch this antidepressant to take in the morning to help mitigate the side effect. 

This doesn’t guarantee ‘no insomnia’, but it does reduce the severity of this side effect. Taking Zoloft in the morning can also be beneficial for people who experience sexual side effects. 

Important point: Zoloft can make some people drowsy 

Zoloft does cause insomnia, but it can cause drowsiness in some people. If you’re one of such people, it’s best that you take this medication in the morning.

Zoloft can impair your alertness and makes activities like driving and operating heavy machinery dangerous for you. 

If you have such a job where you need to have your full mental alertness to avoid dangerous accidents, you shouldn’t take Zoloft in the morning. You can take the medication at night time since it puts you to sleep. 

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MedlinePlus. Sertraline: MedlinePlus drug information [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US); [updated 2022 Feb 15; cited 2022 Dec 20]. Available from:

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