How to lose weight while taking Mirtazapine?

This article will discuss effective ways to lose weight while taking Mirtazapine, an antidepressant that may cause weight gain in some individuals. 

How to lose weight while taking Mirtazapine?

You can lose weight while taking Mirtazapine in the following ways:

  • Know your metabolism type and manage your macros
  • Know how to control your portions
  • Incorporate fitness into your routine
  • Don’t forget to stay hydrated
  • Talk to your doctor if Mirtazapine causes unexplained weight gain

Mirtazapine is an atypical antidepressant which can cause weight gain in some individuals (1,2). Mirtazapine can increase appetite and make potential changes in metabolism. 

This may make it more challenging for some people to lose weight or even lead to unexplained weight gain while taking the medication. Let’s discuss some effective ways to lose weight while taking Mirtazapine.

Know your metabolism type and manage your macros

Weight loss is closely linked to what you eat and your diet is 90% responsible for weight gain or loss. Understanding that everyone has a unique metabolism is key to finding the right diet for you. 

While a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats is generally a good foundation for most people, it’s essential to consider how different foods and diets affect you personally (3).

Some individuals thrive on a high-protein, low-carb diet, while others may find that a different balance works better for them (4). It’s like figuring out your body’s food preferences. 

Pay attention to how you feel after eating certain foods, how your energy levels are, and whether you’re able to maintain a healthy weight. A diet that works for one person might not work as well for another due to differences in metabolism, activity levels, genetics, and other factors. 

Remember, it’s not just about weight loss but also about feeling good and maintaining overall health.

Know how to control your portions

When it comes to portion sizes, being mindful is crucial (5). It’s easy to overeat without realizing it. To avoid this, try using smaller plates and bowls. This simple trick can make your portion sizes look more satisfying, and you’ll still feel full. 

Also, pay attention to your body’s hunger cues. Eat when you’re genuinely hungry, and stop when you’re comfortably satisfied, even if there’s food left on your plate. This prevents overindulgence.

Consider eating more frequent, smaller meals throughout the day (6). This approach can help keep your metabolism steady and prevent extreme hunger that can lead to overeating (6).

Think of it as spreading your daily calories across several mini-meals rather than two or three big ones. Make sure these meals are balanced, with a mix of protein, healthy fats, and fibre-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. This combination helps keep you feeling full and satisfied.

Incorporate fitness into your routine

It is important to incorporate Incorporate fitness into your routine. It’s crucial to start at a pace that’s comfortable for you and gradually build up to avoid muscle injuries and burnout (7).

If you’re new to exercise, don’t jump into intense workouts right away. Begin with low-impact activities like walking. A 20-30 minute walk daily is quite helpful for beginners. It’s easy on the joints, helps burn calories, and has mental benefits too (7).

Pay attention to how your body feels during and after exercise. Some muscle soreness is normal, but severe pain or discomfort isn’t. If something hurts, stop or modify the exercise. 

If you’re unsure about what exercises are right for you, consider consulting a fitness professional or a physical therapist. They can design customised programs according to your fitness level and goals.

Don’t forget to stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential for both weight management and overall health. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day helps prevent confusion between thirst and hunger, which can lead to unnecessary snacking (8).

A simple way to gauge your hydration is by checking the colour of your urine. If it’s light yellow or pale straw-coloured, you’re likely well-hydrated. If it’s darker, you may need to drink more water. Typically, one should drink at least 8 glasses of water throughout the day. 

Hydration requirements can vary among individuals. People with larger body mass or people who sweat a lot may need more water than people who don’t have these factors affecting their hydration. Drinking water can also help you with your weight loss journey in the following ways:

  • Having a glass of water before eating can control appetite, preventing overeating due to thirst confusion and helping you consume fewer calories.
  • Opting for water instead of sugary beverages like soda supports weight loss by reducing unnecessary sugar and calorie intake.
  • Staying well-hydrated during exercise improves performance and prevents dehydration, enhancing the effectiveness of your workouts.

Talk to your doctor if Mirtazapine causes unexplained weight gain

It is important to consult your healthcare provider if Mirtazapine is making you gain a significant or unavoidable amount of weight. Your doctor has a deep understanding of your medical history, the specific reasons you’re taking Mirtazapine, and how it may be affecting your body.

Your doctor can determine whether the weight gain is related to the medication, consider alternative treatment options, or suggest strategies to manage it effectively.

Remember, everyone’s body reacts differently, and your doctor is there to help you find the best course of action that aligns with your overall health and treatment goals. Mirtazapine generally has a good success rate, but it might not be the best choice of antidepressant for everyone.

In that case, your doctor will safely taper it off and switch you to another medication. Just make sure you do not make any changes to your prescription without consulting your doctor first. 


In this article, we have discussed some effective ways to lose weight while taking Mirtazapine. We have also discussed what one should do if the antidepressant starts causing a tremendous amount of weight gain, which is not considered normal. 

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