How long does Mirtazapine withdrawal last?

In this article, we will discuss the approximate duration of Mirtazapine withdrawal. We will discuss some of the common withdrawal symptoms and how one can make this process a little easier. We will also discuss the proper way of discontinuing medications like Mirtazapine.

How long does Mirtazapine withdrawal last?

Mirtazapine withdrawal can last anywhere from several days to a few weeks, and it depends on a variety of factors. The withdrawal duration of any antidepressant varies from person to person (1). 

Some people may respond well to it and recover from the withdrawal symptoms earlier as compared to others. There isn’t a standard timeline for Mirtazapine withdrawal (1). 

It’s a unique experience for each person based on their specific circumstances and how their body reacts to the medication adjustments. Your doctor will work with you to create a withdrawal plan to make the process as smooth as possible.

What factors can affect the duration of Mirtazapine withdrawal?

There are some factors that can affect the duration of Mirtazapine withdrawal, making this process shorter for some people and longer for others. These include:

Duration of use

The length of time you’ve been taking Mirtazapine plays a crucial role. Short-term users, those who’ve been on the medication for a few months, may experience a shorter withdrawal period. 

In contrast, long-term users, who’ve taken it for several years, may find that their brains and bodies have adapted to the medication, leading to a potentially more extended withdrawal phase.

Mirtazapine doses

The dosage of Mirtazapine can significantly impact the withdrawal process. Higher doses can cause more profound changes in brain chemistry. 

Therefore, individuals discontinuing from higher doses may face more prolonged and intense withdrawal symptoms, as compared to those on lower doses – who may have a shorter and less severe withdrawal period.

Reasons for discontinuation

The reason for discontinuing Mirtazapine can influence the withdrawal timeline. If you’re switching to a different medication because Mirtazapine is no longer effectively managing your symptoms, your healthcare provider may opt for a gradual tapering approach. 

This method can mitigate the severity and duration of withdrawal symptoms. On the other hand, if you’re stopping due to intolerable side effects, your doctor may need to speed up the withdrawal process, potentially resulting in a shorter duration (2,3).

Individual responses to Mirtazapine discontinuation

Individual responses to medication changes can vary widely. If you’re more sensitive to these changes, your doctor may recommend a slower tapering process, which means staying on a specific dose for a longer time before reducing it further. 

Factors such as genetics, metabolic rate, overall health, and unique brain chemistry all contribute to this personal sensitivity. (4)

Tapering plan

The specific tapering plan designed by your healthcare provider can significantly impact the duration of withdrawal. Gradual tapering involves slowly reducing the dose over an extended period. This approach often results in milder and shorter withdrawal symptoms (1). 

In contrast, abrupt discontinuation, where the medication is stopped suddenly, can lead to more intense but potentially shorter-lived withdrawal effects.

What are the symptoms associated with Mirtazapine withdrawal?

Mirtazapine withdrawal is associated with the following signs and symptoms: (2,3)

Physical symptomsPsychological symptoms
Nausea Anxiety
Vomiting Irritability
Diarrhoea Changes in mood
Dizziness Confusion
Tremors Panic attacks 
Sleep disturbancesConcentration difficulties
Balance difficultiesRebound depression 

These symptoms can vary from person to person, and depend on a number of factors – as discussed in the previous section.

What is the best way to withdraw from Mirtazapine?

The best way to withdraw from Mirtazapine is to closely follow your doctor’s directions. Your doctor will create a plan based on factors like the duration of your use, the dosage you’ve been on, and the reasons for discontinuation.

Typically, the withdrawal process involves a gradual reduction in your Mirtazapine dosage. This gradual tapering allows your doctor to monitor how your body responds to each reduction. 

The goal is to reach the lowest possible dose and help your body adjust to that. Once this is achieved, your doctor will guide you through the final step, which is stopping the medication altogether.

This careful approach is designed to come off Mirtazapine successfully. It’s important to remember that Mirtazapine takes time to work and you should not stop it without giving it enough time to work – unless it affects your health significantly. 


In this article, we have discussed the approximate duration of Mirtazapine withdrawal. We have also discussed the factors that can affect your withdrawal duration and what side effects are associated with it.

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Spitznogle B, Gerfin F. Pruritus associated with abrupt mirtazapine discontinuation: Single case report. Ment Health Clin. 2019 Nov 27;9(6):401-403. doi: 10.9740/mhc.2019.11.401. PMID: 31824812; PMCID: PMC6881111. Available from:


Fauchère PA. Recurrent, persisting panic attacks after sudden discontinuation of mirtazapine treatment: A case report. Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract. 2004;8(2):127-9. doi: 10.1080/13651500410006134. PMID: 24926846. Available from:


Jilani TN, Gibbons JR, Faizy RM, Saadabadi A. Mirtazapine. 2022 Sep 7. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 30085601.

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