Can you withdraw from Mirtazapine after 1 week?

In this article, we will discuss the potential risks of withdrawing from Mirtazapine just after one week. We will also discuss when it’s okay to stop taking the medication and when it can lead to disturbing side effects.

Can you withdraw from Mirtazapine after 1 week?

No, you shouldn’t withdraw from Mirtazapine just after a week of using it, unless you have a valid reason. Mirtazapine is an antidepressant which can take up to 4-6 weeks to show its full effects. If you stop it just after a week, it will not help you with your symptoms (1). 

However, if you’re allergic to the medication or it causes unbearable side effects, you can stop using it. In such a case, you should seek medical advice right away and discuss the future of Mirtazapine use with your doctor.

What are the potential risks of stopping Mirtazapine just after one week?

The potential risks of stopping Mirtazapine just after a week of using it include:

Inability to achieve therapeutic goals

Stopping Mirtazapine after just one week may not allow the medication to fully address your depression symptoms. Antidepressants like Mirtazapine need time to build up in your system and create the desired effects (1,2).

If you withdraw from them without giving them enough time to work in your body and make the necessary changes in the regulation of chemicals in your brain, they can’t help you. 

This is why you should give an antidepressant, like Mirtazapine, at least a month or two before you decide that it’s not the right choice of medication for you – IF the obvious signs of incompatibility are not present. 

Worsening of depression

In some cases, stopping the treatment with an antidepressant too early can lead to the worsening of depression and related symptoms. Depression is a complex condition, and a consistent treatment plan is essential to achieve and maintain improvement. 

Affective disorders, like depression, generally have mixed symptoms – both physical and psychological (3). 

Even though the psychological symptoms take time to get better, physical symptoms may get better within a week or two. Stopping the medication too early can cause those symptoms to come back – and they may come back stronger. 

Withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms are not that common after stopping Mirtazapine just after a week, but some people may experience them (4). This is why you need to discuss drug discontinuation with your doctor before you go for it. 

Different people can have different factors affecting their mental health and only a doctor can help you with the safe withdrawal of Mirtazapine. 

When is it okay to stop taking Mirtazapine after a week?

It’s okay to stop taking MIrtazapine just after a week in some cases, but that should be discussed with your healthcare provider beforehand. 

As stated earlier, some people could be allergic to Mirtazapine. Such reactions may not show up right after taking the first-ever dose of Mirtazapine (1). 

In some cases, especially with people who take a low dose of this antidepressant, allergic symptoms like rash or hives gradually appear on the skin. They may not show up right away and take 5-7 days to become prominent or even noticeable in some cases. 

Some people may ignore minor itching or redness on the skin for a few days. However, that should not be the case. You should always look signs for of an allergic reaction when you start to take any medication for the first time. 

Sometimes, the reaction is so mild that people even fail to notice that when they’re taking a clinically low dose. In such cases, it is okay to stop using Mirtazapine just after a week under your doctor’s supervision. 

In some cases, the side effects of Mirtazapine can be really tough to handle. 

If you’re experiencing side effects that are causing significant discomfort or interfering with your daily life, like severe sedation, extreme dizziness, or any other intolerable symptoms, it’s reasonable to discuss Mirtazapine discontinuation with your doctor (1).

Why is it important to discuss Mirtazapine discontinuation with your doctor?

It’s important to discuss Mirtazapine discontinuation with your doctor before you decide to stop taking the antidepressant or start skipping your doses for the following reasons:

  • If you’re bothered by side effects like sedation, dizziness, or other worries, you can take to your doctor about these concerns. Your doctor may consider adjusting your dosage or exploring alternative treatment approaches.
  • If you’re uncertain about how effective Mirtazapine is for your needs, having a conversation with your doctor is vital. They have the expertise to assess your progress and consider different options if necessary.
  • If you’re thinking about discontinuing Mirtazapine for any reason, it’s critical to have a consultation with your doctor first. They can offer guidance, keep an eye on your well-being, and help ensure that the choices you make prioritize both your safety and mental health.

Remember, the safe and effective use of Mirtazapine, or any other medication, is an important key to making the most out of it. 


In this article, we have discussed the potential risks of stopping Mirtazapine just after a week of taking it. We have also discussed some important steps people should take if they are skeptical about their treatment with Mirtazapine. 

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