How long does Amoxicillin stay in your body?

How long does Amoxicillin stay in your body?

Amoxicillin stays in your body for approximately 24 hours. This is because Amoxicillin has a short half-life of about 1-2 hours, after which the initial concentration of this antibiotic reduces to half. 

The remaining concentration further reduces to half within the next 1-2 hours. This process keeps on going until the entire drug is eliminated from your system (1). 

Renal insufficiency can increase the duration of action of Amoxicillin 

Amoxicillin is primarily excreted via urine so renal functions can significantly affect the rate of drug removal from your body. 

If a person suffers from renal insufficiency, the kidneys will not be able to excrete the drug effectively and it stays in the body for a longer period of time. Oftentimes, such patients experience more prominent side effects as the drug remains active in their bodies for much longer. 

In such cases, dose adjustment is preferred based on the glomerular filtration rate so that the patient stays protected from unwanted side effects or too much drug accumulation. Amoxicillin may also alter the odour of urine in some individuals. 

Final words

Amoxicillin generally eliminates in about 24 hours, but this time duration can vary from person to person and can depend on several factors like an individual’s age, weight, dosage strength, frequency, underlying health conditions, and overall physiological well-being.

Just make sure you properly take this antibiotic for as long as your doctor has recommended. Don’t skip the doses, as proper antibiotic treatment is necessary to eradicate infection-causing bacteria. If you don’t find your symptoms getting better, reach out to your doctor. 

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PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 33613, Amoxicillin; [cited 2022 Dec 22]. Available from: