Does Xanax help with stomach pain? (+3 factors)

This article will address a number of topics, including whether or not Xanax relieves stomach pain, its potential effects on pain relief, studies and scientific evidence supporting its efficacy in treating stomach pain, additional factors that may contribute to stomach pain, and Xanax alternatives to consider if you experience stomach pain while taking the medication.

Does Xanax help with stomach pain?

Xanax can help with stomach pain but it is important to note that Xanax is neither a painkiller nor an antispasmodic medication. It is not intended for pain relief and should never be used solely for that purpose.

It is a recognized fact that anxiety and related symptoms can upset the gastrointestinal tract and cause stomach-related issues. These symptoms, often associated with anxiety can be managed by Xanax – not because Xanax is an effective painkiller or a medication used for gastrointestinal issues, but because Xanax is an anxiolytic that can manage anxiety, which can trigger gastrointestinal disturbances.

Therefore, Xanax primarily addresses the root cause and may not serve as a painkiller directly. While Xanax might exhibit some gastro-relaxant properties, its use for that purpose is not approved by the FDA.

What does research suggest?

A study was carried out, according to research, to determine how alprazolam (Xanax) affected acid reflux and esophageal motility.

A clinical investigation with ten healthy participants was conducted utilizing a randomized design. Two groups of participants were formed: one group received a placebo while the other group was given one tablet of alprazolam (0.25 mg) to be taken three times per day. 

In both the drug and placebo groups, motility, PH monitoring, and esophageal motility were monitored.

The lower ESP (Esophageal Sphincter Pressure) and motility were not significantly affected by alprazolam. However, there was a notable drop in the pressure of the upper ES.

More importantly, during the study’s alprazolam phase, 1/3 of the volunteers experienced high levels of acid reflux during their sleep. This impact was most likely caused by alprazolam’s suppression of the CNS interfering with the regular processes of acid clearance during the night. 

According to the study’s findings, Xanax can relieve the pressure on the upper esophageal sphincter, and it can be taken on an empty stomach without causing side effects. As a result, Xanax can ease stomach pain. However, there is a risk of acid reflux while taking Xanax, so caution must be used. (1)

What factors can contribute to stomach pain while taking Xanax?

There are several factors that can contribute to gastritis (stomach pain) while taking Xanas, some of which include: (2)

NSAIDS: Non-Steroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs, such as naproxen and ibuprofen can damage the stomach lining and increase the risk of stomach pain in certain individuals.

Certain medical conditions: People who have medical disorders such as Helicobacter pylori infection, peptic ulcer (ulcers in the stomach and intestine), auto-immune diseases, and a history of stomach surgery are more prone to experiencing stomach pain while taking Xanax.

Alcohol and smoking: Their use can aggravate gastric pain symptoms as they irritate the stomach and can cause inflammation in the stomach.

Spicy food: eating a lot of spicy or acidic food can aggravate gastritis.

Stress: Gastritis can be brought on by ongoing stress. 

What medications are used for stomach pain?

There are several medications that can be used or prescribed for your stomach pain.

If you experience gastritis while taking Xanax, consult your healthcare provider immediately. They will assist you in identifying the precise cause of your stomach pain by performing the appropriate tests, and provide you with advice on how to use Xanax.

Your healthcare provider may lower your dosage or switch you to another anxiolytic that is less prone to cause gastric adverse effects such as oxazepam, temazepam, or chlordiazepoxide. They are proven to be well-tolerated by many individuals. (3)

You should not alter your medication without first speaking with your healthcare provider.

Medications that lessen stomach acidity

Additionally, your physician might recommend medications that lessen stomach acidity, such as:

  • Antacids like Tums, and Maalox.
  • H2-antagonists such as famotidine and cimetidine.
  • PPIs (Proton Pump Inhibitors), if your gastritis is severe and inflaming the stomach wall, PPIs can be prescribed to reduce the risk of peptic ulcers. Examples of PPIs include Omeprazole and Esomeprazole. (4)


According to my knowledge and research, Xanax may be able to relieve stomach pain in certain people. Studies have shown that Xanax may lower the pressure in the upper esophageal sphincter, which in turn may assist in relieving stomach discomfort. If you use Xanax and have stomach pain, talk to your doctor about reducing the dosage or switching to a different medicine. If needed, they can also prescribe antacids or H2-antagonists to relieve your stomach pain.


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Singh S, Bailey RT, Stein HJ, DeMeester TR, Richter JE. Effect of alprazolam (Xanax) on esophageal motility and acid reflux. The American Journal of Gastroenterology [Internet]. 1992 Apr 1 [cited 2023 Oct 27];87(4):483–8. Available from:,alprazolam%20phase%20of%20the%20study. 


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