Can Xanax treat dizziness? (+3 treatment options)

In this article, we will discuss whether Xanax treats dizziness. We will also explore the potential treatment options for dizziness. 

Can Xanax treat dizziness?

Xanax does not treat dizziness. However, Xanax may have a calming effect that could indirectly reduce dizziness associated with certain mental disorders such as anxiety, or panic attacks, but it does not directly treat dizziness or the other underlying causes of dizziness.

Xanax, (alprazolam), is a prescription drug that belongs to a class of medications called benzodiazepines. Its primary use is to manage and treat symptoms of anxiety and panic disorders. Xanax works by agonizing the effects of gamma-aminobutyric acid, which in turn helps to reduce the symptoms associated with anxiety and promote relaxation (2). 

What does research suggest?

According to research, no evidence supports the role of Xanax in the management of dizziness. Xanax may cause dizziness as a side effect when used by individuals. However, it can not be used in the treatment of dizziness itself (1).

Xanax is primarily prescribed for the treatment and management of anxiety disorders and panic disorders. It may have a calming effect that indirectly reduces the associated symptoms of anxiety including dizziness, but can not target the dizziness induced by other underlying causes such as high blood pressure and migraines (2).

What are the potential treatment options for dizziness?

Dizziness can be associated with various underlying conditions, so the treatment of dizziness depends upon its underlying cause. Your healthcare provider may recommend different interventions for dizziness based on the root causes of dizziness.

Lifestyle changes

Drinking water: Dizziness can be associated with an unhealthy lifestyle of individuals. Such as dehydration may trigger dizziness and headaches in some people, which can be treated by drinking a sufficient amount of water daily. Identifying the underlying cause of dizziness is helpful in the appropriate management of it. 

Reduce salt intake: Dizziness can be associated with high salt intakes in certain conditions such as Meniere’s disease, which can be managed by reducing the salt intake, which in turn balances the fluid in the inner ear and reduces dizziness (5).

Avoid alcohol: If you are experiencing dizziness due to high alcohol intake, then by avoiding alcohol you can reduce the incidence and severity of dizziness.

Regular exercise: Dizziness can also be associated with underlying stress, which can be managed by regular exercise and stress management strategies.

Treatment of underlying medical conditions

Dizziness can also occur as a symptom of various underlying health conditions. It is important to identify and manage those conditions, so you can get relief from dizziness and their other associated symptoms. Your healthcare provider may prescribe you medications based on your medical condition.

Underlying health conditions

There are certain underlying health conditions that can be responsible for triggering dizziness in individuals such as,

  • High blood pressure
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting
  • Migraines
  • Anemia 
  • Neurological disorders
  • Ear infections
  • Lyme diseases
  • Hypoglycemia etc

If the dizziness is associated with these or any other medical condition, it can not be reduced until you get treatment for your underlying health conditions. If you experience dizziness due to your underlying medical conditions, it is necessary to consult your healthcare provider so he can guide you based on your factors.

Your healthcare provider may prescribe you a specific class of medications to treat your underlying medical condition responsible for dizziness such as, antiemetics can be prescribed for treating nausea and vomiting whereas antihypertensive can manage your high blood pressure. 

The choice of medication is made by your healthcare provider, so it is important to not take any medication on your own and reach out to your healthcare provider for appropriate treatment. 

Discontinuation of medications responsible for dizziness

Dizziness can also occur as a side effect of certain medications such as antidepressants (Citalopram), antipsychotics (aripiprazole), and anticonvulsants ( phenytoin) etc. Discontinuing these medications or switching to other medications can also be helpful sometimes to reduce dizziness (4).

However, you should never discontinue any medication abruptly without consulting your healthcare provider because it may lead to withdrawal effects that further worsen your condition. Always consult your healthcare provider before discontinuing any medication to avoid any unwanted side effects.


In conclusion, based on my knowledge and experience, Xanax can not be used for the treatment of dizziness. It might help in the management of dizziness if the underlying cause of it is anxiety because Xanax is primarily prescribed for these conditions.

In my opinion, it is essential to consult your healthcare provider even if you know the underlying cause of your dizziness. Do not take any medication for dizziness without consulting your healthcare provider. 

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