Does Vimpat cause weight gain? 

Does Vimpat cause weight gain? 

Vimpat causes both weight gain and weight loss in different individuals. Weight gain, however, is considered much less common than weight loss. 

This antiepileptic medication has a number of different reviews and it totally depends on your age, dose, the severity of your condition, and how your body reacts once it is exposed to Vimpat. 

Several surveys have revealed that Vimpat caused loss of appetite in some people which led to weight loss in the early course of the treatment. However, the same people started to gain weight when their treatment was continued for a longer period of time (1). 

There is literally no way to predict who will gain weight and who will lose it while taking Vimpat. Make sure you monitor your side effects properly and report them to your healthcare provider. 

How does Vimpat make you gain weight? 

There is no significant data available from research studies and clinical trials to explain why Vimpat causes weight gain in some people. Some experts believe that it can alter your body’s fat-burning processes. When you start to burn a lesser amount of fat, more of it is stored in your body which eventually leads to weight gain. 

Some experts suggest that Vimpat can boost appetite and it is a known fact that when you begin to eat more than your body needs, you start gaining weight. Make sure you closely monitor your symptoms and discuss them with your doctor. 

What to do if Vimpat makes you gain weight? 

If Vimpat is making you gain weight, the first thing you should do is talk to your healthcare provider. Only your doctor can help you determine the exact cause of your weight gain and if it’s safe and effective for you to continue to use Vimpat. 

If it’s not, your doctor may switch you to another medication. Meanwhile, keep your diet and lifestyle healthy and eliminate any other factor of weight gain that is in your control. 

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Li J, Sun M, Wang X. The adverse-effect profile of lacosamide. Expert Opin Drug Saf. 2020 Feb;19(2):131-138. doi: 10.1080/14740338.2020.1713089. Epub 2020 Jan 15. PMID: 31914330. Available from: