Does Venlafaxine expire? (3 dangers)

In this article, we will discuss Venlafaxine’s expiration, along with additional aspects such as potential risks associated with using expired Venlafaxine, recommended actions if one has consumed such medication past its expiry date, characteristics to identify spoiled Venlafaxine and how this medication should be stored.

Does Venlafaxine expire? 

Yes, Venlafaxine, also known by the brand name Effexor, does expire like any other medication. It has an expiration date typically printed on its packaging. After this date, the manufacturer cannot guarantee the full effectiveness or safety of the medication.

It is essential to adhere to the expiration date and not use the medication beyond that point as its safety and potency might diminish over time. Expired medication might not work as intended or could even be potentially harmful (1).

Although certain drugs might maintain their efficacy for a period beyond the expiration date, it is not advisable to utilize expired medications (2).

The stability of drugs depends on how well you have stored them. Inadequate storage conditions can expedite the degradation of medications. The Food and Drug Administration strongly discourages the consumption of any expired medication (1).

What are the dangers associated with the use of expired Venlafaxine?

Expired Venlafaxine can be a little problematic. The following outcomes are expected:

  • Therapeutic insufficiency
  • Worsening mental health condition
  • Damage to the liver and kidneys

Therapeutic insufficiency

The most commonly expected thing to happen after taking expired Venlafaxine is therapeutic insufficiency as the drug will not work the way it should. No matter what reason you are taking this antidepressant, you will not see a positive change in your condition.

It is essential to take into account that Venlafaxine is an antidepressant, and mental health illnesses need proper treatment. Like other antidepressants, Venlafaxine require time to take effect for depression, and it should be taken properly each day (3).

If the drug has started to lose its potency, you will not be able to achieve the desired therapeutic goals. In fact, it can lead to disease progression and drug resistance. 

There is no research data available regarding the safety and efficacy of expired antidepressants and no one can say for sure what potential health risks are associated with their use, not even the manufacturers.

That’s the entire point of printing the expiry dates on the packaging, as the manufacturers can’t guarantee the safety and efficacy of their medication past the expiration dates.

Worsening mental health condition

Another consequence of taking an expired Venlafaxine is the worsening of your mental health condition. Depression is no joke and it slowly progresses if not treated properly.

Possible damage to the liver and kidneys

Expired Venlafaxine may start to damage your liver and kidneys, the organs which are primarily involved in the metabolism and excretion of Venlafaxine. It is also important to note that expired Venlafaxine could be contaminated with can increase the risk of infections.

What to do if you have taken expired Venlafaxine?

A dose of one or two of expired Venlafaxine will not harm you. However, continuous use can cause complications. It is advised to stay vigilant for any symptoms and promptly seek medical attention if you encounter any unusual complications.

Having expired Venlafaxine means that you might not be taking your treatment seriously or else you would not have expired Vellafaxine at home. If the medications do not belong to you, you should not take them whether they are expired or not.

How to identify spoiled Venlafaxine?

Certain indicators may suggest that medication has become spoiled, including (5).

Packaging integrity: If the packaging is opened or tampered with exposing the medication to the environment, there is a higher likelihood of medication degradation.

Visible signs of deterioration: Discolouration, moisture damage, fungal or bacterial damage, or any other noticeable alteration of the medication.

Strong and unusual odour.

How should you store Venlafaxine?

To ensure the proper storage of Venlafaxine, as well as other medications, it is essential to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines. One important aspect is to avoid exposing the medication to significant fluctuations in temperature and humidity (4).

This means that storing Venlafaxine in places like the kitchen, bathroom or bedroom may not be ideal as these areas are prone to temperature changes and humidity, which can negatively affect the stability of the medication (4).

To maintain the stability of Venlafaxine, it is recommended to store it in a location in your house that has consistent temperature and humidity levels and is protected from light and heat.


I conclude, that Venlafaxine, like any medication, has an expiration date, typically indicated on its packaging. Using Venlafaxine beyond its expiration date may lead to reduced effectiveness or potential health risks.

It is crucial to adhere to the expiration date and properly dispose of expired medication for safety and efficacy.


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