Does Trulicity cause hair loss? 

Does Trulicity cause hair loss? 

No, Trulicity is not associated with hair loss as a side effect. It was not reported in any of the clinical trials or research studies. 

However, you may experience hair loss if Trulicity fails to manage your diabetes effectively as constant high blood glucose levels can make your blood carry less oxygen and nutrients. (1,2)

If you’re experiencing hair loss on Trulicity, talk to your healthcare provider. It is important to monitor your blood glucose levels frequently to make sure that your medication is working as well as it should. 

Factors that can contribute to hair loss while taking Trulicity

Some factors that can contribute to hair loss while taking Trulicity include: (3)

Underlying health conditions: Hair loss can be influenced by certain medical conditions such as thyroid disorders, hormonal imbalances, or autoimmune diseases. These conditions may coincide with the use of Trulicity and contribute to hair loss.

Nutritional deficiencies: Inadequate intake of essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, can affect hair health. Poor nutrition or deficiencies in nutrients like iron, zinc, or biotin may contribute to hair loss. (4)

Stress and emotional factors: Physical or emotional stress can disrupt the normal hair growth cycle and lead to hair loss. The stress associated with managing a medical condition or making lifestyle changes while taking Trulicity may impact hair health.

Genetic predisposition: Some individuals may have a genetic predisposition to hair loss, which can be independent of medication use. If you have a family history of hair loss, it could contribute to your experience while taking Trulicity.

Other medications or treatments: Hair loss can be a side effect of medications other than Trulicity. If you’re taking multiple medications, it’s possible that one of them, or their combination, may contribute to hair loss – like beta-blockers including Propranolol, Carvedilol, Bisoprolol, etc. 

What to do if you’re experiencing hair loss while taking Trulicity? 

If you notice hair loss while taking Trulicity, reach out to your healthcare provider or doctor to discuss your concerns. They will determine the exact cause of your hair loss and will act accordingly. 

Your healthcare provider will assess whether Trulicity could be the potential cause of your hair loss. They may suggest alternative treatments or adjustments to your medication regimen. It is also important to take good care of your overall health.

Maintaining a balanced diet, managing stress levels effectively, and addressing any underlying health conditions or deficiencies can help improve your overall health, including your hair health. 

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Smith LL, Mosley JF 2nd, Parke C, Brown J, Barris LS, Phan LD. Dulaglutide (Trulicity): The Third Once-Weekly GLP-1 Agonist. P T. 2016 Jun;41(6):357-60. PMID: 27313432; PMCID: PMC4894510.


Phillips TG, Slomiany WP, Allison R. Hair Loss: Common Causes and Treatment. Am Fam Physician. 2017 Sep 15;96(6):371-378. PMID: 28925637.


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