Does Trintellix cause itching? (+5 factors)

In this discussion, we will explore whether Trintellix can lead to itching. Additionally, we will delve into the connection between Trintellix and itchy skin, examine factors influencing Trintellix-induced itching, and provide guidance on what to do if itching occurs due to Trintellix.

Does Trintellix Cause Itching?

Yes, Trintellix can indeed result in itching. It is recognized as a potential side effect of Trintellix (1). While itching is commonly reported as a side effect of Trintellix, individual variations may also play a significant role. If you are taking Trintellix and experience itching, consult your healthcare provider to identify the precise cause and effectively address the condition.

Trintellix, also known as vortioxetine, is an antidepressant medication that modulates various serotonin receptors in the brain. It is commonly employed in the management of depression, anxiety, and various other mental disorders.

While itching with Trintellix is frequently reported, various other side effects have also been documented with its use, including nausea, diarrhea, dry mouth, constipation, vomiting, and sexual dysfunction (2).

What does research suggest?

According to research, Trintellix can cause itching, and it is among the commonly reported side effects of this medication. Trintellix is considered a safe medication with a low incidence of serious and life-threatening side effects (1).

In a research study evaluating the safety of Trintellix in patients with depression, individuals treated with Trintellix developed side effects, including itching or pruritus. The incidence of this side effect increased with higher dosages, going from 10mg to 20mg, with an overall occurrence of itching in more than 50% of these patients (2).

In another study, a patient reported severe itching after using Trintellix for an extended period, close to 1 year. This patient was taking Trintellix daily at a dosage of 10mg for her underlying depression. It is essential for individuals using Trintellix to be aware of potential side effects and promptly report any unusual symptoms to their healthcare provider for further evaluation and management.

What factors may influence itching while taking Trintellix?

While pruritus may occur in some individuals after taking Trintellix, there are several factors that may increase the risk of Trintellix-induced itching in patients. These factors may include:

Factors  Response
Individual factors Individual sensitivity to Trintellix or genetic factors can heighten the risk of side effects of this medication, including severe itching.
Concurrent medications The concurrent use of medications like NSAIDs, fluconazole, or duloxetine with Trintellix may increase the risk of skin reaction side effects, including severe itching or pruritus. These medications are also associated with skin itching, and their combination may contribute to an elevated likelihood of experiencing such side effects.
Underlying health conditions Individuals with underlying skin conditions such as psoriasis, dermatitis, or dry skin may be more susceptible to experiencing Trintellix-induced pruritis.
Dosage Higher dosages of Trintellix are associated with a higher risk of pruritus and other skin reactions, as indicated in research studies.
Duration of treatment The duration of treatment also plays an important role in the occurrence of side effects, including itching. Individuals who take Trintellix for a longer duration may be more prone to experiencing pruritus.

What to do if itching occurs while taking Trintellix?

Trintellix may cause skin itching in individuals, which is more common with higher dosages or longer duration of treatment. You should always consult your healthcare provider if you experience unusual symptoms, including pruritis, after taking Trintellix.

They may assess your condition and determine the cause of your symptoms. In the presence of underlying factors such as pre-existing medical conditions or concurrent medications, your healthcare provider may address these factors first.

In cases where Trintellix is causing or exacerbating itching that is affecting your quality of life, your healthcare provider may recommend a change in your treatment plan, which may include dosage adjustment or the complete discontinuation of the medication.

The reduction of dosage is helpful in most individuals in reducing the occurrence of side effects of this medication. However, if severe pruritis persists even after dosage adjustment, your healthcare provider may recommend alternative medications that are less likely to cause skin-related adverse effects, such as fluvoxamine, citalopram, or fluoxetine.

How to manage Trintellix-induced itching?

If you’re facing intense itching while on Trintellix, it’s crucial to consult your healthcare provider for tailored advice. However, here are some general tips to manage itching that you might find helpful:

  • Opt for loose clothing to minimize skin irritation.
  • Use a humidifier in dry environments to add moisture, preventing dry skin and itching.
  • Identify and avoid potential triggers for itching, such as foods, environmental factors, or skincare products.
  • Stay well-hydrated to maintain skin health.

Your healthcare provider may suggest antihistamine medications to relieve itching, but it’s vital to consult your healthcare provider before using any medication with Trillelix.

Depending on the itching’s severity, your healthcare provider might propose topical treatments like corticosteroid creams to soothe skin irritation.

In my experience

In my experience, individuals do report itching with Trintellix in clinical settings, but it is not considered a serious side effect of this medication. However, in cases where individuals have pre-existing factors, severe pruritus may develop after taking Trintellix, which may affect overall quality of life. In such cases, it is advisable to consult your healthcare provider for personalized guidance and treatment based on individual conditions.

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Verma A, Kumar A. Risks Associated with Vortioxetine in the Established Therapeutic Indication. Curr Neuropharmacol. 2021;19(5):711-717. doi: 10.2174/1570159X18666200818195720. PMID: 32811416; PMCID: PMC8573751.


Miao J, Wang G, Hou J, Areberg J, Zhao Y, Højer AM, Ettrup A. Pharmacokinetics and Safety of Vortioxetine in the Chinese Population. Adv Ther. 2019 Nov;36(11):3134-3146. doi: 10.1007/s12325-019-01092-4. Epub 2019 Sep 24. PMID: 31552551; PMCID: PMC6822801.


How to cite this article: Chembolli L. Drug-induced cutaneous small vessel vasculitis following vortioxetine. J Skin Sex Transm Dis 2022;4:139-42.

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