Does the combination of Sertraline and Mirtazapine have good reviews?

In this article, we will discuss the safety and efficacy of the combination of Sertraline and Mirtazapine. We will also discuss what people have experienced so far on this combination and what research shows about this combination.

Does the combination of Sertraline and Mirtazapine have good reviews?

The combination of Sertraline and Mirtazapine does have good reviews. However, the safety and efficacy of this combination can vary from person to person. 

Antidepressant combinations are not for everyone. Some people may not even need to take more than one antidepressant. The choice of antidepressant combination therapy over monotherapy can only be made by a doctor. 

You should only take this combination if your provider believes that it is the best option for you according to your symptoms. Sertraline and Mirtazapine are generally good antidepressants with many success stories when used individually (1,2). 

These antidepressants combined may offer some potential benefits, but the doses have to be adjusted to avoid potential risks.

What have people experienced so far?

Some people have shared their experience with the combination of Sertraline and Mirtazapine. A 38-year-old user shared his story:

“I was prescribed the combination of Sertraline and Mirtazapine when I was going through a really tough time with depression. I started taking Sertraline first, but alone it wasn’t enough to help me with my symptoms. One of my main concerns was sleep disturbances that I experienced on Sert.”

He continued:

“When my doctor added a low dose of Mirtazapine to my regimen, it made quite a difference for me. I started sleeping well, which was the biggest relief for me. This helped me feel refreshed in the morning and I did not feel exhausted. That helped me a lot with my daily activities and work. 

Another 40-year-old user shared her experience:

“I used Sertraline and Mirtazapine to manage my PTSD symptoms. Life was really tough for me after experiencing a traumatic event. I couldn’t sleep well, had constant flashbacks, and my anxiety got the best of me.”

She continued:

“When my doctor prescribed these two medications together, things started to change. I began sleeping better and having fewer nightmares. My anxiety gradually became more manageable, and the intrusive thoughts started to fade away. These meds also controlled my nighttime panic attacks.”

These reviews indeed show how the combination of Sertraline and Mirtazapine can help people with their mental health symptoms. However, this might not be the best choice of treatment for everyone. A 32-year-old user of this combination stated:

“The combination of Sertraline and Mirtazapine didn’t work out for me. Maybe antidepressant combinations are not really for me. I had high hopes when my doctor prescribed these two meds for my depression and anxiety.”

The user continued:

“I experienced some side effects that were tough for me to handle. I felt extremely drowsy during the day which affected my work life. The most concerning side effect for me was weight gain. I’ve always been body conscious and gaining weight was my biggest nightmare. So I eventually stopped taking these meds.”

This indicates that this combination may not always be the best choice for everyone. 

What does research suggest?

There is limited research on the combination of Sertraline and Mirtazapine. However, some research studies have discussed this combination. 

One research study involved 36 adults with PTSD, divided into two groups (3). One group received the combination of Sertraline and Mirtazapine and the other group received Sertraline with a placebo (3). 

The combination group shows better therapeutic efficacy and reduced risk of some Sertraline-induced side effects, like sexual disturbances, insomnia, etc (3). 

Mirtazapine enhanced sleep quality which alleviated symptoms of PTSD at night time (3). Although these facts make combination treatments efficient, they may not work for everyone. 

What to do if the combination of Sertraline and Mirtazapine does not work for you?

If the combination of Sertraline and Mirtazapine does not seem to work for you, please talk to your healthcare provider. Your doctor will give the best possible advice and adjust your doses if needed. 

If this combination is not the right one for you, your doctor will safely taper you off one or both of these meds. Just make sure you don’t make any changes to your prescription without consulting your doctor first.


In this article, we have discussed the safety and efficacy of the combination of Sertraline and Mirtazapine. We have also discussed what people have experienced so far on this combination and what research shows about this combination.


  1. Singh HK, Saadabadi A. Sertraline. 2023 Feb 13. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 31613469. Available from: 
  1. Jilani TN, Gibbons JR, Faizy RM, Saadabadi A. Mirtazapine. 2022 Sep 7. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 30085601. Available from: 
  1. Schneier FR, Campeas R, Carcamo J, Glass A, Lewis-Fernandez R, Neria Y, Sanchez-Lacay A, Vermes D, Wall MM. COMBINED MIRTAZAPINE AND SSRI TREATMENT OF PTSD: A PLACEBO-CONTROLLED TRIAL. Depress Anxiety. 2015 Aug;32(8):570-9. doi: 10.1002/da.22384. Epub 2015 Jun 26. PMID: 26115513; PMCID: PMC4515168. Available from: 

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