Does Symbicort cause weight gain? 

Does Symbicort cause weight gain? 

Yes, Symbicort can make you gain weight. However, this is not a common side effect and some people may not even experience it. It is not even listed as a side effect, but the nature of Symbicort can cause weight gain because of how it works in your body. 

Symbicort is a type of Corticosteroid, called Budesonide. Corticosteroids are known for causing metabolic changes in your body and can make you gain weight, despite what’s written in the side effect profile. Many people have shared their experiences of how they gained weight on Symbicort. 

However, some people may lose weight, even though weight loss is not a known side effect. This is because people are different and can have different factors affecting their health.

What does research suggest?

Research suggests that Symbicort can cause weight gain because of how it works (1). These compounds can make a number of metabolic and dietary changes in your body and can make you gain weight. Experts have indicated that Symbicort can spike the level of glucose in your body (2). 

It can also trigger diabetes in some people. This high blood sugar can enhance the process of sugar storing in your liver and muscles. It can not only make you gain a tremendous amount of weight, but can also damage your organs, your immunity, and your blood’s ability to clot and heal wounds. 

Research shows that Symbicort can also cause water retention (3). The drug is capable of reabsorbing water from your kidneys and decreasing urine output. This water or fluid starts to accumulate in your body. 

When you begin to feel heavy just after a few doses of this medication, it’s not actually fat that makes you heavier on the scale. Fat doesn’t get stored in your body overnight. 

This weight gain is usually temporary and you begin to lose it soon after your body eliminates the excess water. However, weight gain by fluid retention is quite common in people and it can get quite severe. 

What to do if Symbicort makes you gain weight? 

There are a few things you can do if Symbicort makes you gain weight. These include:

Talk to your healthcare provider 

The most basic approach to getting rid of Symbicort-induced weight gain is to talk to your healthcare provider. If Symbicort makes you gain a significant amount of weight, your doctor may ask you to make some dietary changes or may add another medication to help prevent this side effect. 

Your doctor may also discontinue your treatment with Symbicort, as some people may lose weight after drug discontinuation. However, proper consideration is required when you already suffer from a metabolic disorder like diabetes mellitus. 

Cut back on sugar 

You need to cut back on sugar if you’re gaining much weight on Symbicort. Your weight gain could be related to Symbicort-induced high glucose levels. It can not only increase the risk of diabetes but also the risk of obesity. 

Obesity is not being overweight, it is an entire disease which affects other health conditions as well. It slows down your recovery and can make your daily life activities difficult for you. It’s nerve-wracking and can trigger severe episodes of depression. 

This is why you should be extremely careful with your sugar intake when you’re being treated with Symbicort. You should also steer clear of complex carbohydrates or carbohydrates in general. 

Add good foods to your diet

It is extremely important to eat good foods if you suffer from the weight-related side effects of Symbicort. Lean protein and good fats are the best choices for good food intake in this case. 

This is because both protein and fats are excellent sources of energy and can significantly help boost your metabolism. They are fulfilling and can satiate your appetite, especially lean protein. 

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Manaboriboon B, Silverman ED, Homsanit M, Chui H, Kaufman M. Weight change associated with corticosteroid therapy in adolescents with systemic lupus erythematosus. Lupus. 2013 Feb;22(2):164-70. doi 10.1177/0961203312469260. Epub 2012 Dec 7. PMID: 23223243. Available from:


Hwang JL, Weiss RE. Steroid-induced diabetes: a clinical and molecular approach to understanding and treatment. Diabetes Metab Res Rev. 2014 Feb;30(2):96-102. doi: 10.1002/dmrr.2486. PMID: 24123849; PMCID: PMC4112077. Available from:


Liu C, Zhao Q, Zhen Y, Zhai J, Liu G, Zheng M, Ma G, Wang L, Tian L, Ji L, Li L, Duan L, Liu K. Effect of Corticosteroid on Renal Water and Sodium Excretion in Symptomatic Heart Failure: Prednisone for Renal Function Improvement Evaluation Study. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. 2015 Sep;66(3):316-22. doi 10.1097/FJC.0000000000000282. PMID: 25992918. Available from: