Does Sertraline cause breast enlargement? (5 factors)

In this article, we aim to answer the query: “Does Sertraline cause breast enlargement?” Additionally, we will discuss what the research suggests, factors contributing to breast enlargement, and what to do if you find it bothersome. 

Does Sertraline cause breast enlargement?

Yes, Sertraline may cause breast enlargement. However, it is not a common side effect. Some patients may observe noticeable changes in their breast size. It is important to note that not everyone taking Sertraline may experience breast enlargement, as people vary in their physiological responses. 

Sertraline is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant widely prescribed to treat major depressive disorder (MDD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic disorder, and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. 

As an SSRI, Sertraline, also known as Zoloft, works by blocking the reuptake of serotonin, a chemical neurotransmitter in the brain. This mechanism of Sertraline increases serotonin levels in the brain, which are associated with the regulation of sleep, mood, appetite, anxiety, and stress response (1).

Antidepressants are known to cause breast enlargement, particularly selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors(SSRIs), which have been linked to breast enlargement and swelling (2). 

What is the link between Sertraline and breast enlargement?

Some studies have found a connection between Sertraline and breast enlargement. A clinical study indicated that a patient with anxiety, depression, high blood pressure, diabetes, and high cholesterol developed breast enlargement and tenderness when Sertraline was added to his treatment regimen.

When Sertraline was discontinued, the breast returned to its normal size, and tenderness diminished. These changes in breast size can also be linked to alterations in certain chemicals and hormones, but in this case, breast enlargement and tenderness were associated with Sertraline (3).

A patient with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) being treated with SSRIs, including Sertraline, experienced breast enlargement, and increased levels of prolactin were found in the blood. This study suspected Sertraline to be the reason behind this side effect, as Sertraline is known to cause increased prolactin levels (4).

Another clinical study suggested that women taking SSRIs for at least two months also experienced changes in their breast size. These breast changes were also accompanied by weight gain and age, menopause, and duration of antidepressant treatment did not make a difference in this case (5,6).

What factors contribute to breast enlargement while taking Sertraline?

Factors contributing to breast enlargement while taking Sertraline may include: 

Individual factors

Every individual responds differently to the medication; therefore, some patients may be more prone to experience breast enlargement while taking Sertraline.

Elderly people and women might be more susceptible to breast enlargement and tenderness while taking Sertraline. Such patients should be monitored regularly for any side effects of this antidepressant. 

Altered serotonin levels 

Sertraline being an SSRI, affects serotonin levels in the brain. Due to this mechanism, Sertraline may cause breast enlargement in some individuals. 

Dosage and duration

Some patients may experience breast enlargement and tenderness while taking Sertraline, particularly if they are taking higher doses of Sertraline for longer periods. 

Other medicines and health problems

Taking Sertraline with other medications that affect the same neurotransmitters or chemicals as Sertraline may also increase the risk of breast enlargement. 

Other underlying health problems such as hormonal imbalances and obesity may increase the risk of breast enlargement in patients taking Sertraline. 

What to do if Sertraline-induce breast enlargement bothers you?

If Sertraline-induced breast enlargement becomes bothersome for you, please inform your healthcare provider. Your doctor may evaluate your current symptoms, underlying health conditions, and response to Sertraline, and adjust the dosage according to your specific needs.

Your doctor may suggest other antidepressants, such as Fluoxetine, Paroxetine, or Escitalopram, depending on your current symptoms. These antidepressants have different side effect profiles, and your response may vary as well. 

If you are well-tolerated to Sertraline in treating your depression symptoms but experience breast enlargement, your doctor may adjust the dosage to reduce this side effect and obtain the benefits of Sertraline in managing your depression. 

It is important to note that this side effect is possible while taking Sertraline, but not everyone taking the medication will experience it. However, if you experience any side effects while taking Sertraline, immediately inform your doctor. 


In my opinion, Sertraline may cause breast enlargement. However, other factors may also contribute to this side effect of Sertraline. Some patients might experience visible changes in their breast size, while some may not.

Therefore, you must consult your doctor if you notice any changes in your breast size and tenderness, as antidepressants can cause breast enlargement in susceptible patients.  

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Amsterdam JD, Garcia-España F, Goodman D, Hooper M, Hornig-Rohan M. Breast enlargement during chronic antidepressant therapy. J Affect Disord. 1997 Nov;46(2):151-6. doi: 10.1016/s0165-0327(97)00086-4. PMID: 9479619. Available from:


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