Does Seroxat Cause Brain Damage? (+3 studies)

In this article, we will answer the question “Does Seroxat cause brain damage? We will also discuss the effects of Seroxat on the brain, its side effects, and the signs of brain damage. 

Does Seroxat Cause Brain Damage? 

No, Seroxat does not cause brain damage. Seroxat (paroxetine) is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) which is an antidepressant. Paroxetine is used to treat disorders like depression, anxiety, and panic disorder. Seroxat works by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain but it does not damage the brain tissues. 

Seroxat does affect your brain. Disorders like Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression are associated with some alterations in the brain structure. Studies show that Seroxat can reverse those changes through its therapeutic effects on the brain. 

The outcomes of these studies may vary and the exact mechanism through which Seroxat causes alterations in brain structure is not exactly clear. Further investigations are needed to understand the relationship between Seroxat and brain damage. 

What are the effects of Seroxat on the brain? 

Different studies have shown the effects of Seroxat on the brain. One study on Panic disorder (PD) discussed that PD is associated with neural processing abnormalities in several brain regions. Results from this study showed that Seroxat changed the glucose metabolism in the cerebral cortex and limbic brain areas. The changes might be related to the improved clinical outcomes observed in the patients (1). 

A study on patients of Obsessive obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) revealed that their left amygdala volume was greater than the right which plays a role in its pathophysiology. After the treatment with Seroxat, a reduction in the left amygdala volume was observed which shows that Seroxat can reverse altered brain structures (2). 

A study on Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) revealed that Seroxat reversed the Grey matter volume changes associated with the disorder by changing the synaptic plasticity. An increase in grey matter volume after 6 months of treatment was observed in the patients (3). 

Another study on PTSD showed that treatment with Seroxat increased the hippocampal volume and improved verbal declarative memory deficits. Thus Seroxat reversed the damage to hippocampus and memory function caused by PTSD and improved clinical outcomes (4). 

These studies show that Seroxat affects the brain and reverses the structural changes caused by different disorders. However, none of the changes are associated with brain damage. 

Does long-term use of Seroxat cause brain damage? 

There is no definitive evidence to suggest that long-term use of Seroxat causes brain damage. Different studies have confirmed the efficacy and tolerability of Seroxat for long-term use (5,6).

Animal studies on Seroxat have shown that it has a neuroprotective effect on the brain. In one study, Seroxat stopped the degeneration of dopaminergic neurons in the brain and showed anti-inflammatory activities. This study revealed that Seroxat may protect the brain cells and be used for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (7)

Another study on rats revealed that Seroxat has a neuroprotective effect on the brain with impaired blood flow. The results show that Seroxat protected the brain, increased the number of healthy cells, and prevented cognitive impairment (8). 

These studies show that Seroxat has protective effects on the brain and is safe for long-term use. Whether it causes brain damage or not, has not been shown in any research.  

What side effects can you expect from Seroxat? 

You might be concerned that Seroxat can damage your brain and associate some of its side effects with brain damage. However, you must know that Seroxat may cause some side effects that are common to occur and not related to brain damage. 

You may experience unusual dreams while taking Seroxat. This is a common side effect associated with SSRIs and does not indicate brain damage. Other side effects like drowsiness, dizziness, nervousness, occasional jitters, confusion, and mild mental fogginess are also common to occur while taking Seroxat and are not a sign of brain damage (9). 

What are some signs of brain damage? 

You might wonder what brain damage looks like so you don’t confuse it with the side effects of Seroxat. Here are some of the signs and symptoms that indicate declining brain function. 
Cognitive Symptoms: 

Brain damage makes it difficult for a person to process information and express their thoughts. Understanding others might become harder and it becomes difficult to pay attention. The person might experience memory loss, and their decision-making abilities might be impaired. 

Sensory Symptoms:

A person suffering from brain damage may suffer from changes in vision, hearing, or touch. Their perception of taste and smell may change and they may experience an increased sensitivity to pain and balance issues. 

Physical Symptoms:

A person with brain damage may complain of continuous headaches and a feeling of extreme mental and physical tiredness. Their specific body parts may feel weak or they may experience paralysis. Some extreme symptoms include tremors, seizures, difficulty in speaking, disturbed sleep, and loss of consciousness. 

Emotional Symptoms: 

Brain damage can manifest itself through various emotional problems like increased irritability and aggressiveness, mood swings, personality changes, and flattened or heightened emotions. 

How to take care of your brain while taking Seroxat? 

While taking Seroxat, you might be concerned about your cognitive function and brain health. To avoid any issues, you must be in open communication with your healthcare provider if you notice any unusual symptoms. To maintain your brain health, you can use the following strategies. 

  • You must have adequate sleep and maintain a sleep schedule. Sleep disturbances are associated with cognitive decline. 
  • Learn to manage your stress. Practice mindfulness. Stress can damage your brain and also affect your physical health negatively. 
  • Consume a healthy diet. Your diet must be balanced and contain food from every group. A diet rich in vegetables, lean proteins, legumes, vitamins, and healthy fats is good for your brain. 
  • Exercise regularly. Physical activity has a positive impact on your mental and physical health. 150 minutes every week of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise can help you maintain a healthy blood flow to the brain and improve cognitive function. 
  • Engage your mind in different activities like solving a puzzle, reading, or learning a new skill. It keeps your mind active and improves the memory function. 


In conclusion, the studies I have found suggest that Seroxat doesn’t cause brain damage. It indeed has effects on your brain, which are associated with the reversal of structural changes caused by the disorder. If you experience any neurological side effects associated with brain damage while taking Seroxat, you must immediately communicate with your healthcare provider. 

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