Does Prozac cause brain damage? (3+ findings)

This article will explain whether Prozac can cause brain damage or not, research studies of the neurotoxic effects of Prozac on the brain, the effects of Prozac on cognitive functions, and what is the appropriate action if you experience brain damage while taking Prozac.

Does Prozac cause brain damage?

Prozac can cause brain damage. Concerns have been raised by certain studies on the possibility of brain damage from the long-term use of Prozac. 

According to certain research, there is proof that SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors) such as Prozac can alter the white matter structure in the brain during adulthood. The white matter is in charge of focus and learning. (1)

It is important to remember that Prozac’s side effects should be evaluated against any potential advantages. Consulting your healthcare provider about taking Prozac is crucial so that they can assess your situation properly and take the appropriate action.

What does research suggest?

Based on research studies, the long-term effects of chronic exposure to fluoxetine (more than 40 days on fluoxetine treatment) on gene expression related to the formation of myelin sheath in the rat hippocampus (a brain structure that plays a key role in enhancing your memory and learning abilities) were investigated.

Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that plays a role in controlling cell differentiation and proliferation in the brain such as neuronal expansion and migration throughout the early stages of brain formation.

Fluoxetine is an SSRI antidepressant that is ideally taken in the morning. Exposure to SSRIs during brain development has been shown to disrupt the synthesis of the brain’s myelin sheath.

Additionally, there is proof that taking SSRIs for long-term use can alter the structure of the brain’s white matter and can impact the formation of neurons in the hippocampus of the brain.

The findings of this study suggest that long-term fluoxetine use in adults and neonates alters the expression of genes related to myelination in the hippocampus of the brain. This can result in brain damage and impairment in learning and memory. (1)

What are the effects of Prozac on cognitive functions?

Prozac can have varying effects on cognitive function depending on the patients and the duration of treatment.

According to several studies and research, using Prozac for an extended period of time may improve your skills, memory, and attention. (2)

On the other hand, some research has also discovered that prolonged Prozac usage may be linked to modifications in the structure and function of the brain, which may eventually have an effect on cognitive ability. Further studies are required because these impacts are not fully understood. (1)

Other research studies suggest that individuals who are new to taking antidepressants such as SSRIs can develop cognitive dysfunction in the first weeks of taking Prozac. However, it differs from person to person, and these effects might fade away after adjusting the drug dose or adapting to the medication. (3)

What should you do if taking Prozac causes brain damage?

The first thing you should do if you experience brain damage-related symptoms is to get help right away and seek medical attention.

Brain injury or damage is a dangerous and intricate medical condition that needs to be evaluated by a healthcare specialist as soon as possible.

It is crucial to let your healthcare provider know about any novel or strange symptoms you’re having. Your physician will assess your situation and take the appropriate action.

In order to examine if your symptoms improve, your healthcare provider may decide to lower your dosage or replace your medication with one that has fewer side effects and is more tolerable for you.


My research and knowledge indicate that long-term usage of Prozac may result in brain damage. Seeking immediate medical assistance is the first thing you should do if you encounter brain damage symptoms while taking Prozac. Once your healthcare provider has thoroughly evaluated your situation and performed the necessary tests, they will decide on the best course of action for your treatment.





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Kroeze Y, Peeters D, Boulle F, van den Hove DLA, van Bokhoven H, Zhou H, et al. Long-term consequences of chronic fluoxetine exposure on the expression of myelination-related genes in the rat hippocampus. Translational Psychiatry [Internet]. 2015 Sep 1;5(9):e642. Available from: 


Jaykaran, Bhardwaj P, Kantharia ND, Yadav P, Panwar A. Effect of Fluoxetine on Some Cognitive Functions of Patients of Depression. Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine [Internet]. 2009;31(1):24–9. Available from: 


Sayyah M, Eslami K, AlaiShehni S, Kouti L. Cognitive Function before and during Treatment with Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors in Patients with Depression or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Psychiatry Journal. 2016;2016:1–4. Available from:  

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