What is the best time to take Prozac? 

What is the best time to take Prozac? 

The best time to take Prozac is usually patient-specific, as antidepressants affect people differently. Most doctors recommend taking Prozac in the morning because of its ability to cause insomnia

This side effect is one of the most common ones and it affects you more when you take Prozac at bedtime (1). Similarly, Prozac and other SSRIs are also associated with sexual side effects. 

This usually creates frustration and mood disturbances in the affected people. For such people, it’s recommended to take Prozac in the morning as well to reduce the intensity of this side effect till the night comes – which is usually when people engage in sexual activities.

However, Prozac may cause fatigue and sedation in some people, who struggle with low mental alertness when they take this medication in the morning. This is why such people should take Prozac at night

Make sure you closely monitor your side effects and report them to your healthcare provider. Your doctor will suggest the most appropriate time for you to take Prozac if you are not sure how the medication makes you feel yet. 

What to do if you want to change your current time of taking Prozac?

If you are not satisfied with your current time of taking Prozac, talk to your healthcare provider. Your doctor will suggest a timing based on the side effects this antidepressant causes in your case. 

In usual practice, the best way to switch the timing is to skip your dose and take it at the desired time instead. For example, if you wish to switch from taking Prozac in the morning to nighttime, the best way to do that is to skip your morning and take it at night instead.  

This way you can continue to take Prozac at night each day. However, switching the time of taking Prozac may not be this easy for every other individual. 

Some people may not do well after skipping Prozac and they may need to take half a dose. This is why you should reach out to your doctor if you wish to switch the time. One important thing to note is that you have to take Prozac at the exact same time each day, whether you take it in the morning or at night. 

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PubChem [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Library of Medicine (US), National Center for Biotechnology Information; 2004-. PubChem Compound Summary for CID 3386, Fluoxetine; [cited 2022 Feb 9]. Available from: https://pubchem.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/compound/Fluoxetine

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