Does Pristiq cause weight loss? 

Does Pristiq cause weight loss? 

Pristiq is not commonly associated with weight loss, but some people may experience this side effect. Pristiq is also associated with weight gain, which is considered more common than weight loss.

This is because Pristiq is a serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor and this class of antidepressants is usually associated with weight gain and not weight loss (1,2). However, some people have lost weight on Pristiq.

Every human body is different and people respond differently when they are exposed to medications like antidepressants. If you’re losing a significant amount of weight on Pristiq, talk to your healthcare provider. 

If the drug is causing a negative impact on your body’s ability to absorb nutrients, it should not be left unchecked. If Pristiq continues to cause weight loss, your doctor may switch you to another antidepressant. 

What does research suggest?

The majority of research studies have indicated that Pristiq is associated with weight gain. However, some research studies have suggested weight loss. In one research study, the effects of Desvenlafaxine (the active ingredient in Pristiq) on weight were examined. 

The study included both short-term and longer-term evaluations. In the short-term studies, Pristiq was found to cause small but statistically significant decreases in weight compared to both baseline and placebo (3).

However, throughout the phase, both Pristiq and placebo led to small increases in weight, with no significant difference between the two groups. Only a very small percentage of patients treated with Pristiq experienced a clinically meaningful change in weight.

This indicates that Pristiq can cause weight loss or cause insignificant weight changes in some cases. 

What to do if Pristiq is affecting your body weight?

If you are experiencing changes in your body weight while taking Pristiq and it concerns you, it’s important to discuss this with your healthcare provider. 

Depending on the circumstances, your healthcare provider may suggest adjusting the dosage of Pristiq, switching to a different medication, or implementing lifestyle changes to help manage any weight-related effects. 

Pristiq may take some time to work and adjust in your body. Most side effects begin to subside as the antidepressant kicks in. However, it’s crucial to communicate openly with your healthcare provider to ensure the best possible course of action for your individual needs. 

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Naseeruddin R, Rosani A, Marwaha R. Desvenlafaxine. 2022 Jul 11. In: StatPearls [Internet]. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023 Jan–. PMID: 30521250.


Lambert O, Bourin M. SNRIs: mechanism of action and clinical features. Expert Rev Neurother. 2002 Nov;2(6):849-58. doi: 10.1586/14737175.2.6.849. PMID: 19810918.


Tourian KA, Leurent C, Graepel J, Ninan PT. Desvenlafaxine and weight change in major depressive disorder. Prim Care Companion J Clin Psychiatry. 2010;12(1):PCC.08m00746. doi: 10.4088/PCC.08m00746blu. PMID: 20582292; PMCID: PMC2882808.

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