Does Paxil-induced yawning go away? (5+ factors)

In this article, we will explore whether Paxil-induced yawning goes away. Furthermore, we will discuss what the research suggests, the link between Paxil and yawning, users’ experiences, factors influencing the persistence of yawning, and what to do if Paxil-induced yawning persists. 

Does Paxil-induced yawning go away?

Paxil-induced yawning may go away when your body adapts to Paxil, the dose is adjusted or you discontinue the medication. However, you should not adjust the dose or stop taking it on your own. Your healthcare provider must make this decision according to your specific needs. 

Paxil, also known as Paroxetine, is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant that is FDA-approved to treat anxiety, social phobia, depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), panic attacks, and other related conditions. 

Paxil works by inhibiting the reuptake of serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain cells. Due to this blockade, serotonin levels are increased in the synaptic region and remain there for a longer period. The prolonged presence of serotonin in the synaptic region then regulates the body’s stress response, sleep, mood, and appetite (1). 

What does research suggest about Paxil-induced yawning?

According to research studies, SSRIs such as Paxil, may induce yawning in individuals taking it to treat anxiety and depression. Yawning is observed as a common side effect of SSRI therapy and it may cause excessive daytime yawning (2,3).

Another research study indicated that when a patient was given SSRI treatment, he experienced excessive yawning. Initially, some tests were conducted to diagnose the underlying cause. However, yawning subsided only when the medication was gradually discontinued over a few weeks (4).  

What is the link between Paxil and yawning?

The link between Paxil and yawning was found to be the increased serotonin levels. These increased levels of serotonin may cause a rise in the brain and body temperatures. Therefore, the body cools down by inducing excessive yawning in the patients taking Paxil or other SSRIs (5). 

How often do people experience Paxil-induced yawning?

Paxil-induced yawning may occur more frequently in the morning time compared to the afternoon. A woman with symptoms of panic disorder started taking 10mg of Paxil and the very next day, she experienced excessive yawning without feeling sleepy. 

Yawning was not controllable and occurred after every few seconds. She mostly experienced yawning in the morning time. When her dose of Paxil was reduced to 5mg, the frequency of yawns decreased, but it persisted. She had to discontinue Paxil and her yawning resolved completely (6).  

What factors influence the persistence of Paxil-induced yawning?

The persistence of yawning may be influenced by several factors including:

  • Higher doses of Paxil may increase the risk of excessive yawning compared to lower doses. 
  • Prolonged use of Paxil may cause yawning, but in some cases, it might disappear once the body gets adjusted to the medicine. 
  • Sensitive individuals may experience prolonged yawning due to their specific physiological responses to the medication. 
  • When Paxil is reduced or gradually discontinued, yawning may be stopped completely. 
  • Yawning may persist in some cases when Paxil is discontinued, as it takes time to leave the system, and the body also adjusts its neurotransmitter levels after discontinuation. 
  • Other underlying health conditions such as epilepsy, brain tumour, multiple sclerosis, heart, and liver-related issues may also cause excessive yawning in patients (4).

What to do if Paxil-induced yawning persists?

If Paxil-induced yawning persists and becomes bothersome, please reach out to your healthcare provider, they may suggest the following strategies to manage it: 

  • Your doctor may reduce the dose of Paxil to reduce the frequency of yawning. 
  • You should wait with patience as your body takes some time to adjust to the antidepressants, and yawning may disappear on its own.
  • If yawning persists, your doctor may gradually taper you off Paxil and switch to an alternative antidepressant that does not cause yawning. 
  • Some patients may also find relief by practising relaxation techniques to overcome the stress caused by excessive yawning. 


In my opinion, Paxil-induced yawning may go away on its own in some patients as their body gets adjusted to the medication. In other cases, yawning may be reduced by adjusting the dose of Paxil.

In severe cases, your doctor may discontinue Paxil gradually and switch you to an alternative antidepressant that does not cause yawning as a side effect. Do not reduce or stop taking any antidepressant on your own; always consult your healthcare provider. 

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