Does Paxil cause euphoria? (3+ findings)

In this article, we will discuss whether or not Paxil causes euphoria, research on Paxil’s relationship to euphoria, factors that may influence euphoria when using Paxil, how Paxil is different from drugs that cause euphoria, and examples of drugs that can induce and cause euphoria.

Does Paxil cause euphoria?

Paxil does not cause euphoria in most individuals. However, euphoria is a rare side effect of Paxil, particularly when taken in large doses. Paxil (paroxetine) is an antidepressant that belongs to the class of drugs known as SSRIs (Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors). (1)

Paxil is FDA-approved for the treatment of depression, anxiety, and other mental disorders. Patients do not usually experience euphoria while using Paxil. (2)

As Paxil reduces the depressive symptoms related to depression, some people may feel relieved or have better moods while taking the medication. It’s crucial to remember that these mood improvements are usually the result of the drug acting as prescribed rather than any euphoric or psychotropic side effect.

How can Paxil cause euphoria?

Paxil’s mechanism of action involves raising serotonin levels in the brain. Too much serotonin might cause the possible side effect of euphoria. Elevated serotonin levels have the power to improve your mood and when found in excess amounts, it can induce euphoria.

This endogenous neurotransmitter is the cause of your elevated mood, stability, and happiness. (2), (3)

What does research suggest?

A study was conducted to evaluate and compare the relative effects of d-amphetamine (CNS stimulant) and paroxetine (Paxil).

Ten individuals took part in the study and were divided into three groups: paroxetine-treated group, amphetamine-treated group, and placebo-treated group.

The findings demonstrated that the effects of d-amphetamine and paroxetine on mood were remarkably different. Paroxetine had no influence on the measures of euphoria, drug high, and desire for drugs, but d-amphetamine boosted these values.

This study found that, in contrast to d-amphetamine, which can cause euphoria in some people, paroxetine does not cause euphoria. (4)

A different study revealed that patients receiving SSRIs such as paroxetine (Paxil), venlafaxine, sertraline, bupropion, citalopram, and fluoxetine reported feeling manic or euphoric while taking them for their depressive symptoms. Changes in personality or mood were linked to these six drugs. Among youngsters, these reports comprised 24% of all adverse events that were documented.

According to the study’s findings, these SSRIs can make kids act aggressively, suicidally, or manically (euphorically). (1)

What factors might influence euphoria while taking Paxil?

Several factors might influence euphoria while taking Paxil such as:

Individual variations. Certain individuals might be more likely to experience euphoria because of traits like personality or genetics.

Medication dose. Excessive Paxil doses may result in adverse effects such as euphoria.

Concomitant medications. There are several medications that can cause euphoria if taken with Paxil, examples include amphetamines, codeine, and methylphenidate. (5)

Alcohol and tobacco. Drinking alcohol or smoking tobacco can cause euphoria while taking Paxil. (6)

Underlying medical conditions. Certain medical conditions such as bipolar disorder or manic depression can cause and increase euphoric feelings while taking Paxil. (7)

How is Paxil different from drugs that cause euphoria?

Paxil is the brand name of the medication paroxetine, which belongs to the class of medications known as SSRIs. Paxil is mainly used to treat depression, anxiety, OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) as well as other mental disorders. (2)

Paxil functions by increasing and balancing the level of a natural neurotransmitter in the brain known as Serotonin. Serotonin plays a role in elevating and improving your mood, concentration, and stableness. (2)

On the contrary, there are drugs that cause euphoria such as stimulants. Examples include amphetamines (Adderall), methylphenidate, and barbiturates. They function by increasing the activity of the CNS (Central Nervous System) resulting in euphoria and intensified feelings. Certain medications, like Adderall, have diuretic properties and may increase the need to urinate. (8)

Other examples of drugs that can induce euphoria

There are additional drugs that can induce euphoria such as:

Morphine and codeine: These medications are commonly prescribed as analgesics or painkillers. However, high doses of morphine and codeine can cause euphoria and result in severe side effects. (5)

Sleep medications: These medications are used for insomnia and sleep disorders. Examples include zolpidem which can induce euphoria if used in higher doses. (5)

Marijuana or Cannabis: These drugs are mainly used in treating MS (Multiple Sclerosis) and nerve pain. They have the ability to induce euphoria, relaxation, and altered perception. (9)

It’s crucial to remember that using these drugs recreationally or without your physician’s approval can be dangerous, illegal, and detrimental to your physical and mental well-being.


Based on my knowledge and research, Paxil can rarely cause euphoria. However, Paxil can elevate and improve your mood, and when used in excessive doses it can induce euphoria. In my opinion, Paxil is different from drugs that cause euphoria and does not cause euphoria in most individuals.

Consult your healthcare provider if you experience euphoria while taking Paxil. They might reduce your dose or switch you to a medication with fewer adverse effects.

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