Does Losartan cause weight loss? 

Does Losartan cause weight loss? 

Yes, Losartan can cause weight loss in some individuals. However, this effect is not significant and it can only be seen in people who have been using Losartan for a long period of time. If you’re losing weight on this antihypertensive and you’re concerned about it, talk to your healthcare provider. 

What does research suggest? 

There is limited research on weight loss caused by Losartan. However, several research studies have indicated that Losartan may decrease the levels of triglycerides in your body. This can help break down adipose tissues which are made up of stored fats in your body (1). 

This can cause weight loss in the long run. However, the incidence of this side effect is quite low and there are also some cases of weight gain reported. Studies indicate that Losartan may cause water retention in some people, which can make them gain some water weight. 

This indicates that Losartan can make you both heavier and lighter on the scales. It is important to note that an individual’s response to this medication can make a difference, as each individual is different. 

What to do if Losartan makes you lose weight? 

If you’re overweight and obese and Losartan is making you lose weight by decreasing the triglycerides in your body, this is a good sign. However, if you’re losing a significant amount of weight in a short span of time and you’re concerned about it, talk to your healthcare provider. 

Only your doctor can determine the safety and efficacy of further use of Losartan. If the drug is somehow making any negative change in your body then your doctor may switch you to another antihypertensive. 

Meanwhile, there are some tips that can help you gain some weight back if you have lost a lot of it. These include:

  • Consume liquid calories. They are the best ways to provide your body with nutrients when you don’t find yourself hungry. 
  • Eat smaller, more frequent meals. 
  • Do not drink water when you’re eating. It can fill up your stomach and make you consume a lesser amount of calories.
  • Do not eat foods low in nutrients and high in calories.
  • Eat wholesome foods, including good fats, lean protein, lighter carbs, high-fibre foods, and whole grains. 
  • Always pay extra attention to your breakfast. It’s the most important meal of the day. 

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National Library of Medicine (US). Losartan. Bethesda (MD): U.S. National Library of Medicine; 2021 Mar 15 [updated 2021 Mar 15; cited 2023 May 4]. Available from:


Sharieh Hosseini SG, Khatamsaz S, Shariati M. The effects of losartan on memory performance and leptin resistance induced by obesity and high-fat diet in adult male rats. Iran J Basic Med Sci. 2014 Jan;17(1):41-8. PMID: 24592306; PMCID: PMC3938885. Available from: