Can Losartan cause weight gain? 

Can Losartan cause weight gain? 

Yes, Losartan can make you gain weight. However, this side effect was not considered a common one during clinical trials, but when the drug was marketed and a huge population took it, a lot of people came forward and reported Losartan-induced weight gain. 

Some people gained a few pounds, whereas others gained over 30 lbs (13.6 kgs), which is a lot of weight to gain. If you’re one of such unfortunate people who gain weight on this blood pressure medication, make sure you report this side effect to your healthcare provider and discuss the future of your treatment with this antihypertensive. 

Why does Losartan cause weight gain? 

There are a number of theories explaining Losartan-induced weight gain. Experts believe that Losartan-induced water retention is one of the most common reasons why it makes people gain weight – water weight (1). 

One study was designed to check this effect of Losartan, one of the most commonly used antihypertensives. It was observed that some people showed visible signs of water retention and showed edema on different parts of their bodies. 

Some had swollen ankles and calves and they found it difficult to walk. Some had edema on their faces with swollen lips, eyes, chin, and cheeks. Some people showed signs of swollen stomachs. 

When all of these people were weighed, there was a marked difference in their weight as they were now heavier on the scale. This explained the cause of weight gain and water retention was added to the list of side effects associated with Losartan. 

Several studies have also revealed that Losartan makes you gain stubborn weight, which seems impossible to go away at times. However, there are a lot of research studies which indicate that Losartan is not associated with weight gain and some healthcare providers will tell you the same. 

In fact, some individuals may report weight loss as a side effect. This is why several experts have come forward and explained that every human body is different and reacts differently when exposed to medications like Losartan. 

Our physiological composition also plays an important role in ‘deciding’ some of the drug-induced side effects. This is why you can not compare your treatment journey to anyone else, as all people have different symptoms and different tolerance levels when it comes to bearing these medications. 

What to do if Losartan makes you gain weight? 

There are a few things you can do if you’re gaining weight on Losartan. These include:

Discuss your weight gain with your healthcare provider 

The first thing that you should do if you’re gaining weight on Losartan is to talk to your healthcare provider. As we have discussed, Losartan can cause water retention in your body which can make you heavier on the scales. 

If that’s the case with you, your healthcare provider will determine the best possible way of removing the excess fluid from your body. This will eventually help you drop your water weight. 

For this purpose, your doctor may combine Losartan with a low-dose diuretic, which can help eliminate the excess water from your body and can also help regulate your blood pressure. 

Just make sure to not change your drug or the frequency of dose administration without your doctor’s approval. You should never take such matters into your own hands and should always stick to your doctor’s directions. 

Limit the use of table salt 

When you’re gaining weight on Losartan, you should start to consume a lesser amount of salt. Table salt is not good either for your blood pressure or your fluid retention which could make you heavier on the scale. 

Water and salt work together to maintain your body’s fluid. The excess amount of sodium will cause more water to stay in your body and will decrease your urine output. On the other hand, it might interfere with the blood pressure-lowering effects of your Losartan. 

Make sure you take enough magnesium 

Magnesium is an important mineral that can play an important role in maintaining homeostasis. One of the functions of magnesium is to make sure you don’t have excess fluid in your body. 

This is why you should make sure that you have enough magnesium in your diet that can help achieve all the functions this mineral is supposed to perform. If you’re magnesium deficient, you may suffer from much more pronounced water retention and weight gain.


Exercise is quite important when it comes to managing your weight and the health of your entire body physiology. This is why it is extremely important to incorporate a good exercise regimen into your routine. You don’t have to exercise for hours or all seven days of the week. 

Ideally, you should work out for half an hour to an hour, depending on your body endurance, at least 3 to 4 times a week. This much exercise is enough for a good and healthy lifestyle. 

However, make sure you drink plenty of water as well after working out. If you don’t, it will turn into dehydration really soon and may make you feel worse. Never reduce your water intake. It is a basic need of your body as your body has 70% of water. 

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Van Rijnsoever EW, Kwee-Zuiderwijk WJ, Feenstra J. Angioneurotic edema attributed to the use of losartan. Arch Intern Med. 1998 Oct 12;158(18):2063-5. doi: 10.1001/archinte.158.18.2063. PMID: 9778207. Available from:


MedlinePlus. Losartan: MedlinePlus Drug Information [Internet]. [updated 15 Jul 2021; cited 26 Sep 2022]. Available from: