Does Lexapro help Lyrica? (9 precautions)

In this article, we will explore whether Lexapro helps Lyrica. We will also discuss the related research findings, benefits, side effects, and precautions to be taken when using a combination of Lexapro and Lyrica. 

Does Lexapro help Lyrica?

Lexapro may help Lyrica when prescribed for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). Both of these medications are effective in treating GAD. Your doctor may prescribe Lyrica if you are not responding well to the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Lexapro in treating GAD.

However, in some cases, Lexapro may reduce the effectiveness of medications used to control seizures, such as Lyrica. Additionally, there may be an increased risk of hyponatremia if Lexapro (an antidepressant) is taken concomitantly with Lyrica (anticonvulsant).

What are the mechanisms and indications of Lexapro and Lyrica?

Lyrica is approved by the FDA for treating certain types of pain, fibromyalgia, and epilepsy. It may also be used for conditions like anxiety, bipolar disorder, insomnia, and other types of pain.

The mechanism of action of Lyrica is similar to that of a natural brain chemical called GABA, which reduces the activity of nerve cells and makes them release fewer stimulating chemicals. Due to this mechanism, Lyrica can help prevent seizures and reduce pain (1).

Lexapro is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant that increases serotonin levels by blocking its reuptake in brain cells and serotonin regulates sleep, anxiety, appetite, and stress response. Lexapro is used to treat and manage major depressive and generalized anxiety disorders (2).

What does research suggest?

There is limited research data related to the concurrent use of Lexapro and Lyrica. However, a research study explored the effects of Lyrica in patients who are unresponsive to Lexapro. This study suggested that Lyrica didn’t make a significant difference in helping patients with anxiety and depression (3).

In another clinical study, it was found that when Lexapro is used for generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), anxiety was reduced with a low incidence of side effects, and physical well-being was also improved.

Therefore, Lyrica can help some patients with GAD who do not respond well to other treatments (4). Another study was conducted to examine the effects of Lyrica in patients with depression who are already taking antidepressants.

Researchers examined 197 patients; some received Lyrica, and others received a placebo (a fake pill) for 6 weeks. It was found that patients who took Lyrica had less pain and felt better in terms of anxiety, depression, and sleep.

So, this study suggested that Lyrica can be helpful for people with depression who are already on antidepressants (5). Lyrica is known to help with anxiety disorders, and it might be a useful addition to other depression medications like SSRIs and SNRIs. This is because Lyrica works through a mechanism related to GABA, which can be effective in treating chronic depression (6).

What are the benefits of using Lexapro and Lyrica together?

When used in combination, Lexapro and Lyrica may be effective for some patients of GAD, who do not respond to the SSRI therapy alone. Lexapro, an antidepressant and Lyrica, an anticonvulsant, when used together, may complement each other in treating anxiety and depression in some patients.

Lyrica is used to treat nerve pain, and if someone with anxiety or depression also has pain-related conditions, using a combination of Lyrica and Lexapro may show significant improvement.

What are the side effects of using Lexapro and Lyrica together?

When Lexapro and Lyrica are used in combination, they may cause some side effects. If you experience any of the below-mentioned side effects, and they persist or worsen, immediately report it to your healthcare provider.

What are the precautions while using Lexapro and Lyrica together?

Precautions to be taken when using Lexapro and Lyrica together include:

  • Tell your doctor if you are allergic to either Lexapro or Lyrica.
  • Inform your doctor if you are taking any other medicines or supplements.
  • Your doctor must be aware of your family or medical history before prescribing you the combination of Lexapro and Lyrica.
  • Do not consume alcohol, as it can add to the drowsiness caused by these medications.
  • Avoid driving while taking Lexapro and Lyrica together.
  • Lexapro (Escitalopram) and Celexa (Citalopram) are two different SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors); do not confuse these two as they have almost similar generic names.
  • Electrolyte levels should be monitored while taking Lexapro and Lyrica together.
  • If you are having surgery, inform your doctor that you are taking a combination of Lexapro and Lyrica.
  • If you are planning to become pregnant, inform your doctor as these medications have sexual side effects (7,8).


Based on my research analysis, the combination of Lexapro and Lyrica may be effective for patients with generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and depression. Your doctor may prescribe you a combination of Lexapro and Lyrica if you do not respond well to Lexapro alone.

However, if you experience any side effects when using this combination of Lexapro and Lyrica, do not stop taking these medications on your own. Always consult your doctor if you notice any bothersome side effects.

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